Tag Archives: Art

Richard Serra’s Sketchbooks

A new exhibit just opened at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, “Richard Serra Drawing: A Retrospective.” Serra is best known for massive sculptures made of steel, but drawing is still a key part of his work. Some of the works in the exhibit are large drawings on paper or cloth, but the … Continue reading Richard Serra’s Sketchbooks

Reader Week Moleskine Monday: Gaby’s Decorated Covers

Welcome to “Reader Week” at Notebook Stories. I get lots of emails with questions and tips about notebooks, but unfortunately, I don’t tend to get around to posting them very quickly! So this week, I’m trying to catch up– all my posts this week are from readers’ submissions. I love getting tips and questions and … Continue reading Reader Week Moleskine Monday: Gaby’s Decorated Covers

Holbein Multimedia Books

I’ve been thinking that I haven’t posted much about larger sketchbooks lately, so here’s one of my favorites. I’ve used a few of these Holbein sketchbooks over the years and always liked them. There’s something about the colors and that stripe up the edge and the ribbon closure that makes them seem nicer than other … Continue reading Holbein Multimedia Books

Moleskine Monday: Rod Luff’s Painterly Pages

I was quite excited to see these Moleskine pages by Australian artist Rod Luff– I”m not sure exactly what kinds of materials he’s using, but the intense colors are amazing– some of his pages look like the kind of rich, intense oil paintings you’d only expect to see being done on an easel, not in … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Rod Luff’s Painterly Pages

Jesse Draxler’s Sketchbooks

Jesse Draxler’s website has lots of fabulous photos of collage art in notebooks (Moleskine sketchbooks, I think). Absolutely gorgeous: I found Jesse via a blog called The Jealous Curator, who says “These simple/fantastic collages are a few of my favourite pages. I think it’s the effortlessness that gets me the most. Yep, there’s that soul-crushing … Continue reading Jesse Draxler’s Sketchbooks