Tag Archives: Art

Moleskine Monday: Grand Central Terminal Centennial

A Moleskine book to commemorate the 100th anniversary of NYC’s Grand Central Terminal, which opened on February 2, 1913. The book features winners of a drawing competition sponsored by the Architectural League and the New York Transit Museum, including these: Nicholas Venezia Christine Zavesky   See more at The Architectural League of New York | … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Grand Central Terminal Centennial

100 Years of Diaries

Wow, I can’t believe I never heard about this gallery show when it was in New York this past fall: Dylan Stone’s 100 Years project at Ruth Phaneuf Fine Arts. I found out about it via a recent post at Design Observer: The Twentieth Century began on the morning of the 20th of August, 1900, … Continue reading 100 Years of Diaries

Ballpoint in a Sketchbook

I came across a blog post by Daryl Balcombe, who expresses that common wish for a sketchbook to be full of beautiful, finished work on every page, but acknowledges that it’s ok if it isn’t: at the end of the day a sketchbook is the right place for me to scrawl and vent my frustrations … Continue reading Ballpoint in a Sketchbook

Moleskine Monday: The Detour Book

Brain Pickings offers a nice look inside a new book from Moleskine: The Detour Book, which I’m sure I’ll soon add to my ever-growing collection of books about notebooks and sketchbooks!   Read more at Moleskine Detour: Inside the Notebooks of Beloved Creative Icons | Brain Pickings.

Notebook Addict of the Week: Mattias Adolfsson

This week’s addict is something of a celebrity: I’m sure you’ve seen the amazing artwork of Mattias Adolfsson— he does incredibly detailed whimsical drawings in Moleskines in a very recognizable style. He’s been featured frequently on various blogs and in books about illustration, sketchbooks and Moleskines. But what I’ve never seen before is his actual … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Mattias Adolfsson

Veteran’s Day: Soldiers’ Sketchbooks

A few sketchbooks by soldiers, in honor of Veteran’s Day: By WWII veteran Williard Dominick:   From the Library of Congress website: And I’ve posted about this before but it’s worth revisiting: A Soldier’s Sketchbook: From the Front Lines of World War II Thank you to all who have served our military, especially those who … Continue reading Veteran’s Day: Soldiers’ Sketchbooks