Tag Archives: Art

Dieter Roth 1967 Diary

I love this messy, scribbly, intensely red diary page: This notebook was exhibited as part of the 2012 Edinburgh Art Festival. “Apart from the video installation, the Roth exhibition at Fruitmarket Gallery is full of books. Notebooks with their pages opened reveal bursts of red ink or spill forth with every idea and fantasy that … Continue reading Dieter Roth 1967 Diary

Review: Stillman & Birn Zeta Series (and Winsor & Newton Watercolors)

The Zeta is the latest addition to Stillman & Birn’s excellent line of sketchbooks. I’ve reviewed the others here, so I won’t go into too much detail about the basics of their construction. The key difference with the new Zeta line is that it offers their heaviest paper in a smooth surface as opposed to … Continue reading Review: Stillman & Birn Zeta Series (and Winsor & Newton Watercolors)

Queen Victoria’s Sketchbook

Great Britain’s royal family has long been artistically inclined. Their work is now the subject of an exhibition called The Royal Paintbox, which runs from June 22, 2013 to January 26, 2014 at Windsor Castle. Here’s a wonderful example: Exhibition curator Lauren Porter holds a book owned by Queen Victoria containing various sketches drawn in … Continue reading Queen Victoria’s Sketchbook


This is a great idea– why let your favorite notebook pages go unseen? You don’t have to rip them out if you use one of these frames. I hope this Kickstarter project is a success! They need $40,000 by August 15 and have only raised about $2,500 as of this writing, so spread the word. … Continue reading MOLEHOUSE Frames

Notebook Addict of the Week: Biffybeans

This is an oldie but a goodie, and when I came across it, I wondered how I’d never selected Biffybeans aka Stephanie as an addict of the week before. Many of you probably know her well, as the blogger at both Spiritual Evolution of the Bean and Rhodia Drive, as well as a talented artist. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Biffybeans

David Wojnarowicz’s Journals

I love seeing artist’s notebooks, especially ones like this with notes about how the artist is working out an idea as opposed to just sketches. Below is a journal page by David Wojnarowicz, a controversial artist who died of AIDS in 1992. (If you want to learn more about him and the 1980s East Village … Continue reading David Wojnarowicz’s Journals

Notebook Addict of the Week: Wandeka

This week’s addict was blogging about a list of things she wanted to do before her 31st birthday. Among them: #14. Join a STATIONERY ADDICTS support group. Here’s her story about why: I have come to terms with the fact I have not yet outgrown the childhood nickname “Paper freak” – dubbed so by my … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Wandeka