Tag Archives: Art

Jodi’s Finished Sketchbook

A tantalizing glimpse of a finished sketchbook: “Just finished a Moleskine watercolour sketchbook. Woo hoo! Nothing beats the feeling of the last mark of your pen on the final page. I know not long ago I said I’d finished another sketchbook but it’s not like I just whipped through a new one. I had actually … Continue reading Jodi’s Finished Sketchbook

Notebook Addict of the Week: Wendy MacNaughton

I was already familiar with Wendy MacNaughton’s work from her books, so I was happy to see her featured on the wonderful website In The Make, which offers fascinating behind the scenes tours of the studios of West Coast artists. Based on the photo below, I thought Wendy definitely qualified as a sketchbook addict!   … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Wendy MacNaughton

Some Notebooks on Kickstarter

Here’s a few recent and in some cases still active Kickstarter notebook projects you might want to check out:   Stateside Co. Notebooks Attractive design, but those intricate cut-outs on the cover will be trashed the first time you put the notebook in a bag or pocket. Deadline for funding is August 14, 2014. They’re … Continue reading Some Notebooks on Kickstarter

From Our Readers

Mike Sheehan shares his excellent sketches documenting the Murrieta immigration protests: David is excited that the “Trapper Keeper lives!”. Renee shares the story of a teacher who is looking for donations of journals for her students. She successfully collected 100 journals for the 2013-2014 school year, and now she needs to do it again! Please … Continue reading From Our Readers

Notebook Addict of the Week: Adebanji Alade

This week, we have another sketchbook addict, who is originally from Nigeria and now lives in London. He talks about the importance of the “sketch inspiration” for all kinds of artists. Adebanji himself is a talented artist, and an enthusiastic teacher– his blog is full of art lessons with videos on a variety of topics. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Adebanji Alade

A 15th Century Sketchbook

Interesting– you don’t usually hear the term “sketchbook” applied to things this old. I think back then paper was a more valuable commodity and wasn’t used as much for practicing and doodling, as some of these pages seem to have been. Or else those rough pages just didn’t survive, and were perhaps erased and re-used. … Continue reading A 15th Century Sketchbook

A French Artist’s 1948 Diary

The 1948 diary below belonged to Martin Vivés, an artist who lived in southwestern France. He also seems to have been a museum curator there in the 1940s-1960s, and he met some famous artists including Raoul Dufy, as shown in the notes made in the diary. March 2 shows the phrase “visite Dufy.” It’s an … Continue reading A French Artist’s 1948 Diary