A nice collection of Moleskines, posted on Flickr: I see sketchbooks, ruled and squared, large and small, top-opening and side-opening, which got me thinking: do most Moleskine users tend to buy mostly one kind of Moleskine over and over again, or do they have a wide variety like this? My Moleskine collection is much more … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Goodsnake→
This week’s addict has a little of everything…Â isn’t this quite a stack?!? See more at The embarrassing truth of my notebook obsessions | Flickr – Photo Sharing!. Found via the Well Appointed Desk on Twitter
This week’s addict writes about his notebooks on his blog as part of a series of posts “about how much I appreciate the possessions I have, and the choices I made when bringing them into my life.” Below are just a few of the notebooks shown in his post– I particularly liked the black cahier … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Julian Kay→
This week’s addict emailed me a link to her Tumblr site, where she’s posted all these photos of a wonderfully colorful collection. In addition to these ones on Tumblr, there are a few more recent purchases here: Thanks for sharing your addiction, Windi! Read more at I Don’t Want to Be Told to Grow Up … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Windi→
This week’s addict blogs at Seize the Dave, where he shows off the nice row of Moleskine Cahiers (and an unidentified wire-o bound notebook) below. Read more about his experience using fountain pens in these notebooks at seize the dave: paper review: moleskine cahier.
This week’s addict is a 21 year old “struggling journalist” who notes: There is no such thing as too many notebooks, after all. =) Here’s a few from her collection: Read more at journals & notebooks « MarlaViray~ marvels, musings and meanderings.
Here’s another sketchbook addict, found via the “Sketchbook Series” posts at Book By Its Cover. She uses an interesting variety of sketchbooks and her artwork is lovely! See more here.
I went through a phase in the late 1990s when my notebook obsession was relatively dormant, because my lust for handheld data receptacles of a certain size and shape had displaced itself onto the Palm Pilot and its various descendents. PDAs were my addiction then: I bought (and resold) about 15 different models over about … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Julie the Gadgeteer→
Millie sent me a link to this photo of her stash of unused notebooks. She points out that 2 didn’t make it into the photo… and I bet her collection of used notebooks would be pretty impressive too! Full details on what all these notebooks are at Unused notebook collection. Thanks for sharing, Millie!
Lapin’s been featured here before, but I spotted this via Doodlers Anonymous and had to make it an addict post. Here’s what DA had to say: If you like to sketch and you don’t already know the work of the wonderfully talented Lapin, then you best start getting familiar with him. He’s a force to … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Lapin→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…