Tag Archives: Addict of the Week

Notebook Addict of the Week: Joe

This week’s addict emailed me the photo below, and added these comments: The attached photo is of my notebook collection.  Being in the military I take 2 or 3 pages of notes everyday.  I carry a large rite in the rain. They are very durable in both design and paper quality. I have a moleskine … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Joe

Notebook Addict of the Week: Anke

This week’s addict is from Holland, and sent this picture of her collection, or rather, part of it: “I’ve been a fan of your site for a long time and for an equally long time I’ve been wanting to send you a picture of my own collection. What was holding me back was a sense … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Anke

Notebook Addict of the Week: Evan

Evan emailed me to fess up about his addiction: I’m a notebook addict in the worst way-For the past few Christmases I’ve asked for journals for Christmas and received them, hopefully ensuring I won’t run out for awhile. I write everyday, mostly journal entries, but also notes, ideas, story outlines. I’ve found that actually writing … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Evan

Notebook Addict of the Week: Allie (again)

This week’s addict is back for a second time in the spotlight. The last time I featured her collection, she was only 14 and might have had the highest notebook count to age ratio of anyone I’ve featured. I think this may still be true! In her own words: I’m Allie, now 15 years old, … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Allie (again)

Notebook Addict of the Week: DreamerO

This week’s addict also emailed me photos of her excellent notebook collection, with some commentary: I enjoy pocket journals, the saddest part is that they run out of pages so soon and I always feel like I’m abandoning a best friend when I have to start a new one. My pet peeve is that I … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: DreamerO

Notebook Addict of the Week: Aurelia

This week’s addict emailed me from France to show off this lovely annotated photograph of part of her colorful collection: I wanted to send you my notebooks, but not all my collections “only” the one I use for the moment ! 1. ideas book 2. Craft projects 3. What to see/to do/to buy when I’ll … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Aurelia

Notebook Addict of the Week: Renee

This week’s addict emailed me a photo of her collection and says “Since I work all day at my computer doing medical transcription, I usually prefer to get away from the computer at the end of the day and do my creative writing longhand in various journals (for the first drafts, anyway). The journals in … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Renee

Notebook Addict of the Week: Rebecca

This week’s addict emailed me a photo of some of her notebooks. Rebecca says: “I have been buying notebooks wherever I go since I can remember. I love cute little ones and I have a particular love for composition books from America which we can not get in London so I have to ask friends … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Rebecca