This is an oldie but a goodie, and when I came across it, I wondered how I’d never selected Biffybeans aka Stephanie as an addict of the week before. Many of you probably know her well, as the blogger at both Spiritual Evolution of the Bean and Rhodia Drive, as well as a talented artist. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Biffybeans→
This week’s addict blogs about “writing, reading and tools” at Presents of Mind. She has been collecting notebooks for about 13 years– a sampling of the results are below: Moleskines, Miquelrius, composition books and more, plus some cool vintage labels to identify them! An excellent collection. There’s lots more commentary and photos at My Notebook … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Marie→
This week’s addict wrote a great blog post about her love for notebooks: Notebooks make me joyously happy. I can’t walk past a stationery store without ducking in to check it out. I caress the notebooks, flip through them, smell their pages, massage the covers, and usually walk out with an aching heart unless … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Feisty Red Hair→
This week’s addict blogs at I Still Write about some of our favorite things : letters, postcards, pens and notebooks! He started the blog to teach his kids about the fast-disappearing world of snail mail, and how cool it is to write and receive good old-fashioned paper correspondence to and from places around the world. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Derrick→
This week’s addict was blogging about a list of things she wanted to do before her 31st birthday. Among them: #14. Join a STATIONERY ADDICTS support group. Here’s her story about why: I have come to terms with the fact I have not yet outgrown the childhood nickname “Paper freak” – dubbed so by my … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Wandeka→
This week’s addict was another one found via the wonderful Sharing Our Notebooks site. I just couldn’t resist this photo! Going through my notebooks, I find a driving force in my life is asking questions. It’s a strategy I’ve returned to across time and genre. Check out these notebooks…see the sticky tabs? They mark the … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Ruth Ayres→
This week’s addict is an Australian writer of fantasy fiction, who posted the following on her blog: Like many writers, I suspect, I have a notebook addiction. (The kind you write in with a pen.) These days there are so many gorgeous ones available — even in common, mass-market, office supply stores. And it’s the … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Ellen Gregory→
Aside from notebooks, one of my other great loves is books. So I completely identified with this week’s addict’s linking of the two : Bookish people tend to like books with words already in them as well as books that are blank and waiting to be filled by their own hands. I know I do. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Stefanie→
This week’s addict was doing some spring cleaning in her office and guess what she found: As I was tidying my office and creating space, I started to make a pile of my notebooks. Can anyone have ‘too many’ notebooks?? I love stationery and always find myself buying pretty notebooks and adding them to my … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Victoria→
This week’s addict wrote a blog post several years ago about her little problem with notebooks: I have an addiction to notebooks. I can’t stop buying them! I haven’t counted up exactly how many I have, but I think it’s around the 20 – 25 mark. I have all sorts of notebooks, and I don’t … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Rachael at Calm Banana→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…