This week’s addict wrote a guest post at pensetc about her love of notebooks: “1986. A “Wuzzles†notebook and pencil. My first session at The Brownies. I took notes. 1987. A blue, A5 hardback lined notebook. Torquay, Devon on a family holiday. I wrote poetry. 1989. My cousin’s pale green typewriter from the late sixties … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Danielle→
This week’s addict counted all the various notebooks she is using currently for various notes and lists– she counted ten, eight of which are in the photo below. I’d love to know how many more she has that aren’t in current use because they are filled up, or waiting to be. Quite an … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Unmana→
This week’s addict blogs at These Beautiful Pens, where she recently posted About journalling. She mailed me a link to her post, commenting “I’ve been keeping  a  diary  for almost 20 years now… (the journals pictured are] just  the  filled  ones,  still need some preparation for the challenge  of making photos of the new and … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: MissElderberry→
This week’s addict is another find via the excellent Sharing Our Notebooks site. Cynthia is a writer, illustrator and art teacher who has been keeping sketchbooks for years and often looks back at the old ones to find inspiration for new work. Here’s some of her sketchbooks: Read more about Cynthia and see … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Cynthia Iannaccone→
This week’s addict blogs at Mixed Martial Arts & Crafts, where she posted this photo of all the notebooks she is currently using for various purposes, including an idea capture journal, writing journal, and a page-a-day diary/logbook. She says she also has “a ton more that are all used and a few that are empty … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Vanessa→
Yashira emailed me these photos of her beautiful collection. I love how the colors look together! The ones with the tab closure are from Eccolo. Here’s what she has to say: “My name is Yashira Marie, and I am a journal/notebook lover. I love your site because it showcases others like me, addicts of journals … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Yashira→
Emma emailed me some photos of her collection, with these comments: My notebook collection isn’t quite as big as a lot of your other readers’ collections, but it’s on its way! I have: three plain Moleskine cahiers, spanning the last month of high school and my first year of college; two plain Moleskine softcovers, spanning … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Emma→
I forget how I came across the intriguing web page where this week’s addict posted photos of some of his notebooks. It’s all part of a campaign to expose the alleged misdeeds of a guru at an ashram in India, which is interesting, but of course it was the variety of nice old notebooks that … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Robert Priddy→
This week’s addict blogs at xaprb, where he’s done an in-depth comparison of various notebooks to find the brand that works best for him. Here are the candidates: And here are the criteria: So what do I want? The size. It needs to be large enough to write on easily, leaving readable margins, without wasting … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Baron Schwartz→
Peaches emailed me lots of photos of her collection, and some musings on the various brands of notebooks she’s tried… but I think she’ll keep trying even more: “I still haven’t found the 100% perfect notebook, which would have thick, off-white plain paper and be a hardback just under A5 size. The closest I … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Peaches→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…