This week’s addict emailed me some photos of his notebook collection. Paul says “I really enjoy your site. I’ve attached some photos of my collection, and it’s obvious that I have a problem/obsession with notebooks. I’ve kept a journal since 1992 during a trip to Europe with friends after college. The obsession exploded from there.” … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Paul J.→
This week’s addict emailed me lots of great photos and thoughts about her notebook obsession. I very much identified with what she says about enjoying the act of writing itself sometimes regardless of what words are being written! Tatiyana says: “I have always enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember. Back when I … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Tatiyana→
This week’s addict is another one found via the excellent Sharing Our Notebooks blog. Lee Ann Spillane is a teacher who has been keeping notebooks since she was very young. She says: “I love to learn and think and draw and write. As I child I wanted to remember things. I used to sit on … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Lee Ann Spillane→
This week’s addict was found thanks to a tip from last week’s addict, June. John Dickerson wrote a piece on Slate that I think many of us will identify with, about our impulses to capture the moments of our lives, whether it be in paper notebooks or in smartphone snapshots. The article was accompanied by … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: John Dickerson→
This week’s addict is one of the kind readers who loves notebooks so much, she even enjoys sharing her extras and once sent me a couple of notebooks to review. She probably didn’t miss them, as she has 267 other notebooks waiting to be used… or at least that was how many she had back … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: June→
This week’s addict was found on Flickr. The collection is impressive, and I love the way he’s taken the photograph! Asked by a commenter what he uses all the notebooks for, Edmo says “I just put notes in all of them.” See original at 006/365 – I.
This week’s addict has a habit of filling Moleskine and Rhodia notebooks. Look at these nice stacks! The Moleskine stack is pretty impressive given that he says he remembers first holding a Moleskine in his hands in January 2012. The Rhodias are from 2003-2006. Emmanuel says he wrote the first book in French about the … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Emmanuel→
This week’s addict is another one whose collection has grown since we first saw it. He sent me this message and the photos below of his excellent collection, which now includes his own home-made notebooks: “I was a notebook addict about a year ago and just recently returned from Afghanistan after 7 months. So I … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week (again): Joe→
Here’s another repeat addict: Gerard is a Canadian artist and arts educator whose notebooks were featured here a few years ago. Looks like his collection of idea books and studio journals has kept on growing! Some Whitelines journals are now added to the mix too. Check out Gerard’s site: MIX AND SHIFT: OVER 60.
This week’s addict displays an orderly and attractive collection of notebooks in a blog post that begins as follows: “There are so many notebooks out there, good ones, that I started to become a little paralyzed at the idea of trying to say anything useful. I would leave so many out! I would fail to … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: VacuousMinx→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…