Category Archives: Writing Notebooks

Copywriter Quits, 20 of His Notebooks Auctioned by Former Colleague

I thought this story was sort of funny when it popped up on MediaBistro— funny, yet horrifying! So there once was this copywriter named Aaron Robnett, who worked with Daniel Shapiro. Robnett and Shapiro toiled over client needs like creative teams do. Until Robnett left his New York agency for Boston and some sort of … Continue reading Copywriter Quits, 20 of His Notebooks Auctioned by Former Colleague

Notebook Addict of the Week: Jack Haas

Here’s someone who is a notebook addict and a bit of a philosopher too, it seems. Many of the notebooks seem to be the red and black ones made in China and sold in stores such as Pearl River Mart in NYC. I have one in my collection that was bought in Boston’s Chinatown many … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Jack Haas

Notebook Addict of the Week: A Teenage Novelist

Here’s a notebook addict who used her collection to accomplish something amazing: A Wisconsin teenager named Cayla Kluver kept notebooks, lots of them.  These colorful spiral notebooks are the kind you get at the local pharmacy or supermarket.  Nothing fancy, but the perfect canvas for personalizing, or maybe writing a narrative.  On those pages, Cayla … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: A Teenage Novelist

Notebook Addict of the Week: Patriots and Peoples

This week’s notebook addict blogs about history at Patriots and Peoples. He says: A bit more than twenty years ago I started carrying a spiral notebook with me almost constantly. I usually wrote in it while reading—taking notes, jotting titles and authors of other texts that I planned to examine, proposing theses, writing initial drafts … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Patriots and Peoples

Do You Like Notebooks Because You Write?

Or do you write because you like notebooks? “Girl with A Notebook” ponders the question “How has writing affected your life?” One of the seemingly obvious answers would be that I spend a lot more time alone since I’ve started writing, preferring the company of my keyboard to the company of my classmates… or did … Continue reading Do You Like Notebooks Because You Write?

The Euphoria of Buying a Journal: Andorra, by Peter Cameron

Last weekend, I read a wonderful novel called Andorra, by Peter Cameron. It’s elegantly and beautifully written, with some lush descriptions, including this scene, which takes place right at the beginning of the book, just after the narrator has arrived to start his new life in Andorra: I decided to visit the stationers. The front … Continue reading The Euphoria of Buying a Journal: Andorra, by Peter Cameron

Ne-Yo’s Notebooks

Maybe someday I’ll be able to interview some celebrities about how they use a notebook! I caught this mention of notebooks in an article about the singer Ne-Yo: How do you relax? Writing, not necessarily writing a song, just writing in general. I have little notebooks that I carry around with me; some of them … Continue reading Ne-Yo’s Notebooks

Notebook Video Flip-through

Introducing my first (rather amateurish!) notebook video– this is a look at the notebook I just finished using. I’ll try to post more notebook videos in the future, and if any readers want to submit links to their own YouTube videos of notebooks, I’ll share those too.