I stumbled upon a blogger who lists her 6 favorite books that feature journals or are told in journal form. Here’s her top pick: 1. I Capture the Castle/ Dodie Smith A delightful English book, set in the 30’s, telling the story of Cassandra Mortmain and her eccentric family. Begins with the classic line “I … Continue reading Fictional Journals→
Some very good points about why it’s still worth using paper and pen in the internet age, from Alice Seba at Contentrix: In today’s digital world we don’t rely on paper and pen very much. But personally, I love my handy-dandy notebook and pen for my online business for a few reasons: Writing things down … Continue reading Good Reasons to Use Paper & Pen→
Any bookworm has probably read at least one Agatha Christie mystery– I read quite a few when I was a kid. Now there’s a book about how she used notebooks to do her writing: Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks: Fifty Years of Mysteries in the Making, by John Curran. Curran stumbled on the notebooks while spending … Continue reading Agatha Christie’s Notebooks→
More notebooks from the world of literature, this time from Henry Miller, the author of the sexy and scandalous (at least for their time) Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. I think I read both books when I was in college, but now I can’t remember a thing about them! But it does look … Continue reading Henry Miller’s Notebooks→
This week’s addict is the author and illustrator D. M. Cornish, creator of the Monster-Blood Tattoo series. I’d never heard of these books, but they seem to have gotten some great reviews. I often enjoy fantasy novels for kids, so now I’m tempted to check them out! But what I’d really like to see are … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: D. M. Cornish→
Quote of the day: “I bought ten blue notebooks from Walmart and I have filled five of them so far. It’s not OCD or anything, I’m just prepared in case it turns out that it’s the blue notebook doing all the work.” I’ve been meaning to check out the notebook offerings at WalMart… this has … Continue reading OCD or Being Prepared?→
Just in case you haven’t seen it elsewhere, I had to post this photo from an article in Vanity Fair, displaying the notebook collection of the late John Hughes, the creator of all those memorable 1980’s teen films such as Pretty in Pink. I first came across it at Pocket Blonde, and two readers also … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: John Hughes→
“I’m a writer, and I don’t carry a notebook around with me. Heck, I don’t even carry a pen. Do people even use those anymore? Pens. So old school.“ SACRILEGE!!! Read more at A Writer’s Greatest Tool: the Smartphone | Write to Done.
This week’s addict is Catherine Sharp, a writer living in Northern Ireland. She got several comments on this article from people confessing that they shared her (our) addiction! I have to say, this may be the first time I’ve posted an addict photo where I couldn’t positively identify a single notebook brand! (I thought one … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Sharp Words→
Here’s something very cool from the British Library, which I noticed my friend at notizbuchblog.de posted about recently. On the library’s website, you can look through some wonderful old books, including priceless items like the poet and artist William Blake’s notebook below: See more at Virtual books: images only – The Notebook of William Blake: … Continue reading Notebooks of William Blake and Leonardo da Vinci→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…