Category Archives: Travel Notebooks

Lost or Stolen Darwin Notebooks

Such an odd story… they announced last week that two of Darwin’s notebooks must have been stolen, after being missing for 20 years. Imagine a library so big that it takes them 20 years to decide for sure if something is just misplaced or definitely not there at all! Twenty years ago, two historic notebooks … Continue reading Lost or Stolen Darwin Notebooks

Colorful Travel Sketchbooks

From My Modern Met: In 2017, Spanish artist Alicia Aradilla decided to embrace a nomadic lifestyle and travel the world. Instead of keeping a diary of her journeys, however, Aradilla began documenting the architecture, nature, and other memorable sites she saw—and continues to experience—in sketchbooks. So vibrant and beautiful! Read more: Nomadic Artist Shares Her Travels Through … Continue reading Colorful Travel Sketchbooks

Penguin Sex Diaries!

Extraordinary notebooks from the Terra Nova Antarctic expedition of 1911 are available for study and research for the first time. They are an important record of the natural history of Antarctica, an area now facing grave threats. However, they are best known for their infamous passages describing the penguin sexual behaviours. The Natural History Museum … Continue reading Penguin Sex Diaries!

Tuk Book Review

The creator of the Tuk Book is another self-professed notebook addict. Zach Rome has always carried a pocket notebook, but despite trying many brands, he could never find that anything truly held up to every day back-pocket carrying. So he set out to design a truly indestructible notebook that he believes is the perfect everyday … Continue reading Tuk Book Review

Notebook Addict of the Week: Gary Varner

What notebooks would you pack for a year-long road trip? Gary is back home now, I think, but he spent a year traveling around the USA in a camper van and the photos below show the notebooks he brought with him: What does a stationery fanatic and writer do to haul the necessary tools and … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Gary Varner

Notebooks from Ireland

Ireland is a fun place to visit. But I didn’t find it a wholly satisfying place for notebook shopping, which is always on my agenda when traveling. A few months ago, I was in Dublin and a few other towns, but most of the time, the pickings seemed slim. It was hard to even find … Continue reading Notebooks from Ireland

Notebook Hack (Attempt): Moleskine + Stillman & Birn

It’s been a while since I attempted any sort of notebook hack or alteration (except for removing the pen loop from a Taotree notebook), but I recently decided to do a little experiment. I’ve always like the Moleskine City notebooks because they have a nice thickness, with more pages than the normal pocket size notebooks. … Continue reading Notebook Hack (Attempt): Moleskine + Stillman & Birn

Letts Notebook Review

It’s been more than 8 years since I reviewed a notebook from Letts! This classic English brand has been around even longer than that, though… since 1812, in fact! Letts claims to be the first publisher of “commercial diaries,” meaning a mass-produced calendar book combined with space to write and usually some business-related promotional info … Continue reading Letts Notebook Review

Notebook Addict of the Week: Vanessa Berry

Our latest notebook addict of the week is Vanessa Berry, an Australian writer and artist. In a 2012 blog post, she talks about her collection of 31 diaries, written starting in 1998. The photo of the whole collection is striking: The close-ups of the individual notebooks are also fascinating. She mostly uses old notebooks found … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Vanessa Berry

When Do You Get Nervous?

Let’s say you’re packing for a short trip. Like, just a long weekend. In your own country, in an area with plenty of stores where you could conceivably buy any of the widely-available brands of notebooks. Maybe even in an area with a few cool gift stores that stock cute upscale Japanese notebooks. And let’s … Continue reading When Do You Get Nervous?