Category Archives: Sketchbook

R. Crumb’s Notebooks

R. Crumb is someone whose sketchbooks I’d definitely love to see. And it wouldn’t take that big a lottery win to own one: An archive of material pertaining to the famous counterculture cartoonist Robert Crumb – including a pair of original hand-drawn personal greeting cards and a 13-page sketchbook – sold for $16,950 at a … Continue reading R. Crumb’s Notebooks

1,000 Journals Project

Here’s an interesting article about journals that have been set free to wander the globe over the past decade: A real page-turner: The results of the 1,000 Journals Project are revealed – Features, Art – The Independent. It all started with a bit of graffiti on a toilet wall. But what began life as a … Continue reading 1,000 Journals Project

Moleskine Monday: Loops!’s Visual Diary

I love the visual journals some people keep in Moleskine diaries. This is a fantastic example, found at Doodlers Anonymous: Loops! is a mommy living in Brussels and she fills her sketchbooks like a diary in living color. You’ll see drawn pages of her family’s travels, her kid’s being sick and the generally overwhelming and … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Loops!’s Visual Diary

Reader Week: Jessa’s Science Students

Jessa sent me an email with this great notebook story: I teach 6th grade Science at a Friends School in Philadelphia and I base a large percentage of my curriculum around the notion of observing, recording, and taking pride in a scientific sketchbook. My students still take notes in a traditional binder, but for each … Continue reading Reader Week: Jessa’s Science Students

Reader Week Moleskine Monday: Gaby’s Decorated Covers

Welcome to “Reader Week” at Notebook Stories. I get lots of emails with questions and tips about notebooks, but unfortunately, I don’t tend to get around to posting them very quickly! So this week, I’m trying to catch up– all my posts this week are from readers’ submissions. I love getting tips and questions and … Continue reading Reader Week Moleskine Monday: Gaby’s Decorated Covers

Holbein Multimedia Books

I’ve been thinking that I haven’t posted much about larger sketchbooks lately, so here’s one of my favorites. I’ve used a few of these Holbein sketchbooks over the years and always liked them. There’s something about the colors and that stripe up the edge and the ribbon closure that makes them seem nicer than other … Continue reading Holbein Multimedia Books

Review and Giveaway: Tom Bihn Field Journal Notebook

One of the benefits of writing this blog is that I find out about interesting products I would otherwise never hear about. One such product is this Tom Bihn Field Journal Notebook, which the manufacturers sent me to review. It’s a neat little notebook and bag all in one! The bag is about the size … Continue reading Review and Giveaway: Tom Bihn Field Journal Notebook