Category Archives: Sketchbook

‘Lists’ Exhibition at Morgan Library

I bought a cool book a few weeks ago and was planning to blog about it… but then I discovered that there was more to the story– an exhibition at the Morgan Library! Here is a partial list of the kinds of lists included in “Lists: To-dos, Illustrated Inventories, Collected Thoughts, and Other Artists’ Enumerations,” … Continue reading ‘Lists’ Exhibition at Morgan Library

New Book: “Field Notes on Science and Nature”

This sounds like a great book: Field Notes on Science and Nature Why are scientists’ field notebooks so valuable? And do notes really matter anymore, with global positioning systems, laptops and digital cameras available to document information traditionally recorded through sketches and barely legible scrawl? In “Field Notes on Science and Nature,” edited by Michael … Continue reading New Book: “Field Notes on Science and Nature”

Notebook Addict of the Week: Kat Walk Designs

I forget how I came across this week’s addict, but I loved this post about all of her sketchbooks, with photos and comments about her art works and methods: Above are some photographs of the notebooks/sketchbooks/journals I have around the Apt. The open book in Photo #1 is the oldest book I still have, it … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Kat Walk Designs

Sketchbooks Full of the Mets

I’m more of a Yankees fan myself, but here’s a neat story about a man who captures moments from Mets games in wonderful watercolor sketches: Turning Woeful Mets Into Works of Art – Every morning during baseball season around 6:15 a.m., after driving to Midtown from Manalapan, N.J., Petruccio takes a cup of coffee … Continue reading Sketchbooks Full of the Mets

What I’m Using Now

I recently changed my “What I’m Using Now” photo after several months of its being out of date. I’ve gone through at least 2 or 3 daily notebooks since I last updated that image, a couple of Moleskines and a Piccadilly. I’ve been alternating between plain pages and squared– I keep coming back to squared … Continue reading What I’m Using Now

Richard Serra’s Sketchbooks

A new exhibit just opened at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, “Richard Serra Drawing: A Retrospective.” Serra is best known for massive sculptures made of steel, but drawing is still a key part of his work. Some of the works in the exhibit are large drawings on paper or cloth, but the … Continue reading Richard Serra’s Sketchbooks

Notebook Addict of the Week: Brett

This week’s addict admits he is a notebook junkie:   I may have a problem. My obsession with notebooks started early. My first love was a perforated Mead notebook (non-spiral). I was a budding cartoonist during elementary and middle school and the fact that I could cleanly remove my creations was a big deal.  Not … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Brett