Tina was a Notebook Addict of the Week back in 2014, when she showed us her collection of hand-bound sketchbooks. She is still a dedicated Urban Sketcher, and has also done quite a bit of traveling. This time, Tina shares her collection of travel journals: [Above] is a photo of the whole collection: several Moleskines … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): Tina Koyama→
It’s the perfect time of year for this article from Delaware’s Cape Gazette about a workshop on garden journaling: Kelly Sverduk, a teacher and an artist, says “I used to only keep nice sketchbooks when I went on a trip somewhere, but eventually I realized that I wanted to treat my day-to-day life with the … Continue reading Tips for Starting a Garden Journal→
I discovered the Printfresh brand when I was doing my Christmas shopping several months ago. I was in a lovely gift shop in Mt. Kisco, NY called Porch, and among their many nice things, I saw a beautiful chunky journal with a velvet cover. My usual tastes in notebooks tend to run towards minimal designs, … Continue reading Printfresh Journals Review and Giveaway→
Here’s a few interesting links you may enjoy: For Sale: A POW Journal Documenting World War II’s ‘Great Escape’ from Atlas Obscura (Thanks to Mark for the tip!) THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF WORLD War II’s most iconic prisoner-of-war escape is less than two weeks away, on March 24, 2019. Just in time, Hansons Auctioneers in England is offering … Continue reading Links I Liked, Late March Edition→
This week’s addict is another Reddit find. You can see an inventory by brand in the comments on the original post. (A lot of Moleskine and Muji, as well as Fabriano and some others.) I love those two fabulously overstuffed ones on the top! some of my notebooks! Most are unused.
I purchased The Perfect Sketchbook as part of a Kickstarter in 2015. It was in my “to be reviewed” pile for quite a while, and I even did some pen tests but then it somehow fell off my radar. I recently came across it in my to be reviewed box and realized I’d never written … Continue reading Review: “The Perfect Sketchbook”→
A gorgeous, dense sketchbook spread by artist Sterling Hundley, drawn with Blackwing pencil, in what appears to be a Moleskine. This is the kind of sketchbook page I can get lost in. The observational sketchbooks of Sterling Hundley. With a focus on time as a central theme, these journals are filled with “compression portraits”, which … Continue reading Sterling Hundley’s Sketchbook→
Is tidying up notebooks possible for us notebook addicts? I’ve been a tidy person who folds her t-shirts precisely and stores them vertically in drawers since long before Marie Kondo‘s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” hit the bestseller lists. Because I’ve lived in some very tiny New York apartments, I’ve always been pretty good … Continue reading Marie Kondo and Tidying Up Notebooks→
There was an exhibition of sketchbook art in Long Island City, NY recently. I had hoped to see it in person but the opening weekend there was supposed to be a big snowstorm so I was avoiding travel into the city. Then when I tried to go the next weekend, there was some sort of … Continue reading Sketchbook Art in NYC→
This week’s notebook addict sent the photos and comments below about her beautiful and colorful notebooks: I can’t exist without writing, painting and making art in my notebooks. I live in the Texas panhandle area. There just isn’t much to do here at all except watch sunsets and moonrise and hear the coyotes howl and … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Mary→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…