Category Archives: record-keeping

A Notebook for Saving Money

Here’s the kind of headline I like to see: Create a notebook for saving money: In previous columns, I’ve mentioned organizing recipes and coupons, creating a price book to track product prices, a garden journal and menu planning. A frugal notebook is a place to organize all these useful tools. It’s easy to put together … Continue reading A Notebook for Saving Money

Jack Kerouac’s Notebooks: Not What You’d Think!

What would you expect to find in Jack Kerouac’s notebooks? Probably not this: Jack Kerouac — Mr. On the Road, the King of the Beats, who begat the beatniks who begat the hippies who begat the hipsters — Jack Kerouac, the fountainhead of cool — that Jack Kerouac was obsessed with — guess what. Freedom? … Continue reading Jack Kerouac’s Notebooks: Not What You’d Think!

Bob Graham’s Notebooks In the News

A few years ago, former Senator Bob Graham, then a presidential candidate, raised some eyebrows when it was revealed that he kept extremely detailed diaries noting how he spent every minute of his day: 12:50: Cissy thinks she’s going into labor 1:15: Cissy preparing to leave for Baptist Hospital 1:20-1:30: MLTH. Bedroom, bathroom. Dress in … Continue reading Bob Graham’s Notebooks In the News

An Engineer’s Notebook, c.1830

Here’s another wonderful notebook from the past. It belonged to James Haden (1790 – 1871), a member of a family engineering firm in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England. James was “the partner in the firm who travelled the country erecting, supervising and taking orders for the installation of warm air heating & ventilating stoves and expanding the … Continue reading An Engineer’s Notebook, c.1830

What’s the Next Notebook?

I’m coming into the home stretch with my current notebook, an unlined Moleskine. My choices for the next one are: a squared Moleskine an unlined softcover Moleskine an unlined Moleskine Volant a Filofax Each of these would have its advantages and disadvantages. I rather like the squared paper for list-making and doodling, though it can … Continue reading What’s the Next Notebook?

What’s Your System?

Do you have a “system” for using a notebook? A lot of people talk about using notebooks for GTD– the method of organizing tasks promoted by David Allen’s best-selling productivity book Getting Things Done. I’ve had a few different methods of tracking tasks in notebooks and on a computer and PDA, but here’s my current … Continue reading What’s Your System?

Notebooks at Work

I’ve been thinking a lot about how people use notebooks at work. Yesterday’s post showed a few of Obama’s staff with notebooks among the tools of their trade. Certain professions use notebooks as a matter of course: reporters, for one. If you look at the Alwych website, they describe their notebooks as being used by … Continue reading Notebooks at Work

Mike Singletary On Using Notebooks

I love finding articles where people from all walks of life talk about using notebooks. It’s way too easy to find writers talking about using notebooks– that gets really boring after a while, so I was happy to come across this article, an interview with Lowell Cohn of the Press Democrat in Santa Rosa, CA, … Continue reading Mike Singletary On Using Notebooks

How To Keep a Notebook

A WikiHow page on “How to Keep a Notebook:” Step 1: Decide the purpose for your notebook. Will you write down your inventions? Will you write ideas for the screenplay, novel, poems you will someday write? Will you write down thoughts and ideas related to a particular project? Or do you simply want to have … Continue reading How To Keep a Notebook