Category Archives: productivity

Nolty 2019 Efficiency Notebook Diary from Japan Management

I’ve been loving using my 2018 Nolty diary all this year (full review here), and eagerly awaiting the 2019 version. It looks like they are finally appearing online and I’ll be hoping to score one (or maybe a few!) at Kinokuniya on a trip into NYC this fall. It’s interesting to see all the different … Continue reading Nolty 2019 Efficiency Notebook Diary from Japan Management

Review: Stalogy Notebook

Stalogy is a Japanese notebook brand that has been growing in popularity from what I can see on social media. The brand name is a contraction of the words stationery, standard and technology. I’m not sure this notebook is particularly technological, but I’m a sucker for pretty much any Japanese notebook, so of course I … Continue reading Review: Stalogy Notebook

Royster Fertilizer Notebooks

A nice collection of agricultural advertising notebooks, and some reminiscences on how they were used: These pads and pencils were basic record keeping tools for a generation of farmers. One book might contain all of a farmer’s purchases and sales for a year. It might hold entries on all of the cash advanced or credit … Continue reading Royster Fertilizer Notebooks

Susie Boyt’s Notebooks

Some notebooks belonging to writer Susie Boyt: I have always kept notebooks – messy little attics of the mind, an odd assortment of shapes and colours stuffed into drawers next to defunct phones and balls of string. They feel private and tender, a bit like night clothes; or embarrassing, like over-eager little sisters. From an … Continue reading Susie Boyt’s Notebooks

Notebook Addict of the Week: Joanna Penn

I found this week’s addict via Pinterest, which linked back to her Flickr photos. As J. F. Penn, Joanna is a thriller writer. (Her books are described by readers as “Dan Brown meets Lara Croft.” Sounds fun!) As Joanna Penn, she has also published several how-to books about how to self-publish and market books, public … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Joanna Penn

Extreme Note-Taking!

Maybe this technically isn’t a notebook? But to me, if you cover your textbook in this many notes, it has basically become a notebook. This one belongs to a Japanese student who aced a world history exam by studying from these annotations. Gorgeous, isn’t it? Because if you know everything, you don’t have to worry … Continue reading Extreme Note-Taking!

Notebooks Used by Henry and Edsel Ford

Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, was famous for always carrying a pocket notebook in which he jotted notes and ideas. After seeing this mentioned in various books, I was curious to see what kind of notebooks he used. A little research brought me to the website of The Henry Ford, which comprises … Continue reading Notebooks Used by Henry and Edsel Ford

Notebook Addict of the Week: Michelle of Seaweed Kisses

This week’s addict has a detailed plan for how she’ll be using at least 7 planners and journals for various purposes– one for work projects, one for fitness and meal planning, others for daily journaling, art journaling, travel journaling and miscellaneous notes. There must be some other stuff going on too because I count 10 … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Michelle of Seaweed Kisses

2018 Nolty Diary from Japan

I don’t focus a lot on diaries and planners on this site, mainly because I haven’t used a paper planner myself for many years. But every once in a while, I see something that I have to have. I spotted this pocket size Nolty planner at the Kinokuniya bookstore in NYC, amongst a few other … Continue reading 2018 Nolty Diary from Japan

1980s Uncalendar Planner

I used a few of these little planners when I was in college in the late 1980s. In the photo below, which includes some of my other planners from that time, you can see a black and brown Uncalendar, and the red one in the top left with a post-it on top is also an … Continue reading 1980s Uncalendar Planner