There was an interesting feature at Flavorwire on the writing tools of famous authors. Unfortunately, most of the examples just include a photo of the author rather than the writing tools themselves, but here’s a notable exception: It’s J. K. Rowling‘s plans for writing Harry Potter, on a sheet of looseleaf paper. Wow. See … Continue reading What Famous Authors Write With→
The New York Times takes a look at the desk of Alexa Von Tobel, the founder and C.E.O. of That’s quite a few notebooks on one desk! Here’s her thoughts on using them: OLD TECHNOLOGY I always have Moleskine notebooks on my desk. I am a big journaler. Every day I write down where … Continue reading Notebooks on Alexa Von Tobel’s Desk→
This week’s addict was another one found via the wonderful Sharing Our Notebooks site. I just couldn’t resist this photo! Going through my notebooks, I find a driving force in my life is asking questions. It’s a strategy I’ve returned to across time and genre. Check out these notebooks…see the sticky tabs? They mark the … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Ruth Ayres→
Weirdest notebook story of the week: With Japan’s birth rate stuck in low gear, the Abe administration has come up with a new idea to make babies: convince the women to have a child earlier rather than later. It plans to give out notebooks to all young women – and perhaps also to young men … Continue reading Can Notebooks Help the Japanese Have More Babies?→
The folks at Cool Material sent me a nice batch of their recently introduced “Word.” notebooks. These are a staple-bound notebook in the vein of Field Notes and the Moleskine cahiers, but with a unique page format. First impressions: I love the cover designs, in cool colors and camouflage patterns. They came packaged very beautifully … Continue reading Review and Giveaway: Word. Notebooks from Cool Material→
Cool video from Whitelines, telling the story behind their paper, and promoting their Indiegogo campaign to develop an Android version of their smartphone app. via Whitelines Story V1.3 on Vimeo.
From Jennie, a link to an article with some more great reasons to favor paper over digital note-taking: “The notebook has an immediate tactile advantage over phones: they aren’t connected to the Internet. It’s intimate in a way computers aren’t. A notebook has never interrupted me with a screen that says, “Wuz up?†Notebooks are … Continue reading More Good Stuff from Our Readers→
Suw Charman-Anderson has an interesting article at about the best ways to use a notebook for creative endeavors. She refers to another series of blog posts called The Entrepreneur’s Notebook, which brings up a controversial approach: I’ve always used my notebooks for everything, whether that was notes from a meeting I was in, to … Continue reading Keeping Your Creative Ideas in a Separate Notebook?→
I’ve had my eye on Bound Custom Journals for a while. The company was launched in 2011 after a successful Kickstarter campaign, inspired by founder Joel Sadler’s desire for a customized travel journal. The result is pretty extraordinary: a website where you can build custom notebooks page by page, with all manner of page templates … Continue reading Review: Bound Custom Journals→
This week’s addict wrote a blog post called A Pile of Notebooks, including the photo and excerpt below: I love notebooks, I love the possibilities that a new notebook holds; the clean blank pages, the elastic band that holds it closed, the ribbon page marker. But, being an obsessive-compulsive, each entry would have to be … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Mark William Jackson→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…