A fun look inside the world of Kevin Aucoin, the celebrity makeup artist who sadly died way too young. He seems to have used a variety of diaries in a similar format but with different page layouts. I’m not sure what brand any of them were. Kevyn Aucoin was a makeup artist decades ahead of his … Continue reading Kevyn Aucoin’s Journals→
Wow, it’s been a while since my last “using now” post. I can’t say I have any totally earth-shattering news to report about the daily carry notebooks I’m using but there is one new item that wasn’t even on my radar at that time. First of all, I suppose the concept of “daily carry” has … Continue reading Daily Carry Notebooks: July 2020→
Nolty has announced their line-up for 2021 Nolty planners that start in January. (They also sell various products that have an April start to coincide with Japan’s school year, but they don’t announce those until later.) I’m going to start with the bad news. They are not going to be producing the Nolty Daily Book … Continue reading 2021 Nolty Diaries and Notebooks→
It’s been a while since I actively used a refillable Filofax-style looseleaf notebook, though I have plenty in my collection! Though my Filofax days are in the past, I still find this style of notebook very appealing, and was inspired to buy a couple of new ones after reading about Russell Stutler’s method of using … Continue reading Raymay DaVinci Notebook Review→
Some of my earliest notebook obsessions were spiral and wire-o binding notebooks. Back when I was a kid, other kinds of notebook were not as easy to find, or were prohibitively expensive for a kid to buy with her allowance. Nowadays, I rarely find myself using a wire bound notebook, but I thought I’d take … Continue reading Spiral and Wire-O Notebooks from My Collection, Part 1→
I loved this post from the “Writing at Large” blog, about tracking goals and resolutions in a notebook. The dense lists and checked-off boxes are very satisfying. My “resolutions†are, however, S.M.A.R.T. goals: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. I manage them using the least used notebook that I had lying around (a Baron Fig Confidant), … Continue reading Tracking Yearly Goals in a Notebook→
A fascinating article from the BBC about Japan’s traditions around the use of paper. Towards the end, there is a mention of the popularity of using planners such as the Hobonichi Techo: There are also still strong advocates for paper’s analogue charm in a world that is becoming increasingly digital. Japan’s so-called “techo culture†celebrates … Continue reading Japan’s Obsession with Paper→
My Nolty addiction went a little overboard this year. I was so intrigued by some of the 2020 formats that I ended up buying 4 diaries, including the new Nolty Daily Book. I’m not totally sure how I’m going to use all of them! First, the Nolty Efficiency Notebook Gold. This is my second year … Continue reading Nolty Daily Book and Other 2020 Diaries→
As mentioned in a recent post about my daily carry notebooks, I’ve been using an extra Nolty diary to keep a scrapbook of interesting images, often artworks seen in the newspaper or a magazine, or sometimes just random clippings and bits of washi tape. A couple people have asked if I print out online images, … Continue reading 2019 Image Diary→
Here’s an interesting reader question about productivity planners: Hi I wonder if you have reviewed (productivity) Planners or if your readers can recommend some. Semi-business types with annual goals to help track goals break down tasks and monitor progress. Something like these type of planners: – http://nymag.com/strategist/article/best-undated-planners-productivity.html Of the undated planners mentioned in the linked article, … Continue reading Productivity Planners→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…