Category Archives: Places to Buy Notebooks

Review: Daiso Notebook

I can’t decide whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing that there is no Daiso store near me. For those who aren’t familiar with it, Daiso is a chain of Japanese dollar stores, with worldwide locations including quite a few in California. There are also US locations in Texas and Washington state. The … Continue reading Review: Daiso Notebook

Notebooks from My Cross-Country Road Trip

Loyal readers may remember that last year, I did a cross-country road trip, during which I had hoped to stop at various local independent shops to look at notebooks, including those that were mentioned in your responses to my call for suggestions. The journey was fascinating and fun, and in the end I didn’t really … Continue reading Notebooks from My Cross-Country Road Trip

Reader Question: Where Can I Get a Set of Monthly Journals?

Sarah asks:  I wanted to ask your recommendation on a set of notebooks that I can use to journal my entire year so that I can carry them and write in them around one or two months’ worth at a time.  I don’t like  Moleskine’s thin paper but I am looking for that concept, a … Continue reading Reader Question: Where Can I Get a Set of Monthly Journals?

Notebooks from Europe

I’m very fortunate to have friends in Paris and Amsterdam that I’ve been able to visit a few times. I went in 2014 and bought quite a few notebooks. This past year, I went again, and also included Belgium on my itinerary. I wasn’t expecting to buy as many notebooks this time, but I ended … Continue reading Notebooks from Europe

New Zequenz Notebooks

I haven’t written about the Zequenz brand in quite a while. I did a detailed Zequenz notebook review in 2010, and ever since then have meant to try using one as a daily notebook, but I never got around to it. It will be at least a few months before I can give my old … Continue reading New Zequenz Notebooks

Review: Rainbow Edge Notebook

I bought this cute little notebook at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. There is no branding on it, so I’m just calling it a “rainbow edge notebook.” I liked the way the museum logo was quite subtle on the cover, and the slim size and eye-catching rainbow-colored page edges seemed quite unique. … Continue reading Review: Rainbow Edge Notebook

Review: Samsill Pocket Journal

Samsill is another brand I’d not heard of until browsing around on Amazon. The company is an independent manufacturer of business accessories such as ring binders and laptop cases, founded in Texas in 1953, and now making their products in partnership with manufacturers in China and Mexico, while still maintaining headquarters and some manufacturing facilities … Continue reading Review: Samsill Pocket Journal

PAIPUR  Notebooks

Here’s a notebook with a layout I haven’t seen before: dot grid on one side and ruled on the other. They make a few different versions, each of which comes in various colors. Wide spaced with 100 GSM paper Narrow spaced with 100 GSM paper Fountain pen edition with 120 GSM paper (available with blank, … Continue reading PAIPUR  Notebooks

Review: Nolty Gold 2019 Diary/Planner

As regular readers know, I am a big fan of the Nolty Diary. Also known as the “Efficiency Notebook,” this Japanese planner has deservedly become a cult favorite, with Instagram posts galore showing off how people use their Nolty diaries. After very happily using a Nolty diary all through 2018, I decided to spring for … Continue reading Review: Nolty Gold 2019 Diary/Planner

Notebook REview: Front Notebook

Here’s an interesting Asian notebook from a brand that I spotted via Instagram. I saw the Front brand name pop up once or twice and wondered if it was a trendy new brand, but I also thought the notebook just looked nice. From there, it took a bit of internet detective work to actually find … Continue reading Notebook REview: Front Notebook