Category Archives: Personal

Moleskine Volant Notebooks

I bought a set of Moleskine Volant notebooks recently. I had ordered something else from Amazon and needed to tack something on to get that free shipping, so I figured what the heck! But now I’m not sure what to do with them! They’re nice notebooks– much more substantial than the Cahiers: sturdier, smoother cover … Continue reading Moleskine Volant Notebooks

Do You Remember Your First Notebook?

I don’t remember my first notebook, but my mother claims I was folding up pieces of paper into little books and carrying them around with me from at least the age of 3! Later, I remember having those little square datebooks that Hallmark shops used to give away for free–the ones that listed all the … Continue reading Do You Remember Your First Notebook?

To Keep or Not To Keep: Notebooks and Posterity?

These two posts caught my eye today: This morning I’ve been thinking about how last May my literary archives went to Texas. All my papers (letters to and from me, journals, notebooks, drafts and fragment of work both published and unpublished, contracts, bank statements, phone bills, you name it) had lived with me for over … Continue reading To Keep or Not To Keep: Notebooks and Posterity?