I’d been noticing ads for Livescribe products but I hadn’t really paid attention until seeing this article by James Fallows: My new favorite gadget: Livescribe Pulse pen. It actually sounds pretty cool– the pen is an audio recorder, which you use with special paper. As you write, the pen keeps track of where you are … Continue reading Paper + Electronic: The Livescribe Pulse Pen & Journal→
Now here’s a cool and unusual way to use a notebook! Not for writing notes in, but as a desk organizer for stray odds and ends: Feldnotizbücher* in Deutschland via the Field Notes Blog
There was an interesting article a few weeks ago in the New York Times, about electronic tools for note-taking: Bringing Order to the Chaos of Notes: MODERN life is a mess of notes, a tangle of countless scraps of information that we accumulate during our waking hours. In the morning, you attend a meeting with … Continue reading Paper vs. Electronic→
Today’s addict just completed a big household clean-up, including emptying out her 9.5 lb. purse, which turned out to contain 7 notebooks and journals: For more photos and tales of her organizational activities, read more at Jamie’s blog, Inspired Mess.
Introducing my first (rather amateurish!) notebook video– this is a look at the notebook I just finished using. I’ll try to post more notebook videos in the future, and if any readers want to submit links to their own YouTube videos of notebooks, I’ll share those too.
Here’s the kind of headline I like to see: Create a notebook for saving money: In previous columns, I’ve mentioned organizing recipes and coupons, creating a price book to track product prices, a garden journal and menu planning. A frugal notebook is a place to organize all these useful tools. It’s easy to put together … Continue reading A Notebook for Saving Money→
I noticed the other day that I seemed to be rampaging through my latest notebook at a faster than usual pace. Have I just had more to write about? More to draw? More things to do and ideas to jot? I’m not sure, but part of the reason is definitely that I copied several pages … Continue reading From Old to New…→
Ooh, can’t wait for these! According to a press release on Moleskine.com, there are some neat new planners coming for next year: Moleskine Color a Month Daily Diary Box Set: 12-months: one color per month Packed in an elegant black case with elastic strap, each of the notebooks in this series of twelve is a … Continue reading New Moleskine Diaries for 2010→
I’m coming into the home stretch with my current notebook, an unlined Moleskine. My choices for the next one are: a squared Moleskine an unlined softcover Moleskine an unlined Moleskine Volant a Filofax Each of these would have its advantages and disadvantages. I rather like the squared paper for list-making and doodling, though it can … Continue reading What’s the Next Notebook?→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…