Category Archives: Organization

Behance Outfitter: New Products

A reader tipped me off to some new Behance products, also noted at this link: swissmiss | Behance Outfitter | New Products. I like the little cahiers. I always have mixed feelings about notebooks that force you to stick to a certain format, rather than free form pages, but I guess I can see how … Continue reading Behance Outfitter: New Products

One Notebook Per Project

Here’s an interesting concept– using a separate notebook for every project you work on. Depending on how you work and what kind of notebooks you like, it could be unwieldy or impractical, but in this case, we seem to be talking about graphic design projects in small Moleskine cahiers or Volants, and the user says … Continue reading One Notebook Per Project

Setting Up a New Notebook

Do you start the year by setting up a new notebook or planner? What’s your method? Dustin at Stepcase Lifehack shares his steps for starting a new Moleskine for 2010: Since I make a big deal about using a Moleskine (or similar notebook) as an always-with-you productivity tool, I thought I’d share exactly how I … Continue reading Setting Up a New Notebook

Which Notebook Did I Write That In???

I’m impressed by Anne at Tagged and Cajoled, who writes about here notebooks in this post. She always knows where to look for things she’s jotted down. I sometimes know but often I might have to search back through several notebooks for something I know I’ve written, but I’m not sure exactly when or where. … Continue reading Which Notebook Did I Write That In???

His Heart, My Desire: My Spiral Notebook System

It’s always interesting to read about how others use notebooks– everyone’s system is different! Here’s someone who’s found an inexpensive method that works for her: Searching for the perfect day planner has always been a difficult task for me. I have spent so much money on planners of every sort and size trying to find … Continue reading His Heart, My Desire: My Spiral Notebook System

New Products Including Ring Binder Coming from Moleskine!

Breaking news from the Frankfurt Bookfair, via Moleskiners: New Moleskine products coming in 2010 will include some sort of refillable ring binder! That is a real departure for Moleskine, but one that should please a lot of people. They’re also introducing printable Moleskine paper in A4 size, which finally makes the MSK widget make some … Continue reading New Products Including Ring Binder Coming from Moleskine!

Household Organizer Notebooks

Shelterpop suggests 4 household organizer notebooks, for those who like having a nicely designed binder with pockets, tabs and pre-formatted lists to help you organize household things like emergency contact numbers, medications, or appliance warranties. Here’s their picks: The Handy Household Helper: An Organizer for Receipts, Warranties, & Odds and Ends Knock Knock Home Maintenance … Continue reading Household Organizer Notebooks

Moleskine Monday: Make a Hipster PDA With a Moleskine Planner

Check out this tutorial on how to make a sort of Hipster PDA out of a Moleskine. I’m not sure how I’d like having those rings interfering with the front cover lying flat, but I like the way this adds a removable/ refillable element to the Moleskine, and the ability to flip it to the … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Make a Hipster PDA With a Moleskine Planner