Category Archives: Organization

X17 Notebook Review

Here’s another entry in the modular notebook field, the X17 Notebook, which was kindly sent to me for review by the German manufacturer. (They also make the X47 notebooks, which are a more upscale version in leather, with a metal rod that holds the inserts, and their format is used in DayRunner’s “Life Tracker” notebooks.) … Continue reading X17 Notebook Review

What I’m Using Now

I recently changed my “What I’m Using Now” photo after several months of its being out of date. I’ve gone through at least 2 or 3 daily notebooks since I last updated that image, a couple of Moleskines and a Piccadilly. I’ve been alternating between plain pages and squared– I keep coming back to squared … Continue reading What I’m Using Now

Moleskine Monday: Goodbye

In Goodbye Moleskine Journal, Tim talks about his reasons for switching from paper to digital journaling, which include ease of searching, being able to attach photos snapped on an iPhone, and not having to worry about running out of pages at inopportune moments. All valid reasons, though he does wonder if he’ll have some regrets: … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Goodbye

eBay Gem: A Decorator’s Pocket Looseleaf Notebook

This has to be the coolest notebook I’ve ever bought. I almost had a heart attack when I stumbled across it on eBay, and it only took me a split second to hit the “Buy it Now” button and grab this beauty for about $45 including shipping. When the notebook arrived in the mail, it … Continue reading eBay Gem: A Decorator’s Pocket Looseleaf Notebook

10 Uses for Spare Notebooks

Brittany, who describes herself as “a thirteen-year-old writer of middle-grade fiction,” offers some good ideas for everyone who has a hoard of notebooks and can’t think of what to do with them. Here’s idea #1: 1. Keep a dream journal.- I’ve gotten some good story ideas from dreams, or at least little bits of story. … Continue reading 10 Uses for Spare Notebooks

No 2011 Diary?

2011 is already a few days over and I’ve yet to 100% decide what I’m going to do for a diary. I say “diary” and not “planner,” since I tend to use a paper diary only to record past info on diet, exercise, health, and other little notes, as opposed to noting future events. In … Continue reading No 2011 Diary?

Roaring Spring Spiral Notebooks, Early 1980s

Here’s a few oldies-but-goodies from my collection, three Roaring Spring spiral notebooks that I bought in 1980 and used between then and 1982. I love the colors– the outside covers are slightly faded and scuffed compared to the inside front covers. The back covers are just plain cardboard. You can see below that I stapled … Continue reading Roaring Spring Spiral Notebooks, Early 1980s

Review: Kolo Essex Travel Book

The Kolo Essex Travel Book is an interesting hybrid of a Moleskine-type notebook and a Filofax. From the outside, it looks a lot like a Moleskine, but with some important differences. The binding is cloth, with a window in which you can insert your own image. An elastic band holds it shut. On the back, … Continue reading Review: Kolo Essex Travel Book

Eddy’s Three Journals

I stumbled across this blog post by Eddy, who shows off some photos of his journals, and talks about how he uses them: Since I started using notebooks, I’ve kept all of my projects in one notebook, instead of using multiple notebooks for multiple projects. Usually I have had only a couple of things going … Continue reading Eddy’s Three Journals

Moleskine Monday: Memo’s Secure System

I found this from a comment on the Art of Manliness post about notebooks. Memo talks about his system for using notebooks, but what intrigued me most was this photo: That is some seriously secure storage for notebooks! Love it! (especially since he made this out of an electrical box instead of buying a more … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Memo’s Secure System