What nice people they are over there at Doane Paper… I’ve been intrigued by their products for a while but hadn’t gotten to the point of buying anything, mainly because you had to buy a set of 3 Utility Notebooks and I just wanted to try one… but by a happy coincidence, I was able … Continue reading Review: Doane Paper Notebooks→
Remember the tiny little notebook from this post? I contacted the company that makes it, and they were kind enough to send me some products to review– more traditionally sized ones! Presign International is based in the Netherlands, and they make a variety of stationery products including notebooks. The samples I received are from their … Continue reading Review & Giveaway: PSN & Flash Notebooks→
I usually find the stationery chain Papyrus to be pretty slim pickings as far as notebooks are concerned, but one day I happened to spot this little gem sitting all alone on a bottom shelf: the Leonardo Pocket Journal. It’s kind of funny that it has a musical theme– I mean, why didn’t they call … Continue reading Review: Leonardo Pocket Journal→
When I wrote about my Engineer’s Field Notebook, I mentioned that I would love to have a pocket sized version. Well, here’s something that’s sort of close: a pocket size lab notebook from The Book Factory. I’ve written about this company before— they’re based in the US, which is a rarity for notebook makers these … Continue reading Review & Giveaway: Book Factory Notebooks→
Here’s a lovely notebook that I haven’t seen sold in very many places: the Goldline Journal. It’s made by Tollit and Harvey of the UK, the same people who make the Guildhall notebook. I was never tempted to buy the Guildhall because the paper was lined, but the Goldline has plain paper, and a lovely … Continue reading Review: The Goldline Journal→
I was very interested in this notebook review at Future; Nostalgic: Review: Asda Executive Notebook. I love the way this notebook has 3 sections in the back pocket! And the prices seem great too. Drawbacks: there is no pocket size version, and it’s only sold at Asda in the U.K.
All the pen and paper blogs seem to have been buzzing for months about the Rhodia Webnotebook. Fountain pen users in particular were eager to have a Moleskine alternative containing their beloved Clairefontaine paper. When these first hit the market, you could only get a version with 80g paper. Now, finally, the long-awaited 90g paper … Continue reading Review: Rhodia Webnotebook→
Don’t forget that the contest continues today! To enter, follow me on Twitter @notebookstories and tweet this message: Win a cool notebook this week @notebookstories https://www.notebookstories.com Details and notebook review here: Review and Contest: Old Style School Quaderno from Vickerey.
I think I stumbled across Vickerey’s website while looking for retailers that stocked Cavallini journals– but all else was forgotten when I caught a glimpse of these: Here’s Vickerey’s description: Old Style School Quaderno Notebooks (set of 3) These old-school Italian journals are reminiscent of classic academic exercise notebooks (quaderno in Italian). Replete with European … Continue reading Review and Contest: Old Style School Quaderno from Vickerey→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…