I haven’t done a Notebook Addict of the Week post in a while, so it was great to hear from Joey, who sent some photos of these beautiful spreads: I love all the color and textures! If you check out Joey’s Instagram (@magician_menace), you’ll see even more use of these natural forms and dense patterns … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Joey→
It looks like Joan Didion would qualify as a Notebook Addict of the Week— she left behind at least 38 blank notebooks when she died. Joan Didion’s notebooks are being sold as part of an auction of many of her belongings, including books, artwork, furniture, sunglasses and more. I’ve written about Joan Didion before– her … Continue reading Joan Didion’s Notebooks→
I found this week’s notebook addict via a blog post by our previous addict, Warren Ellis. He linked to this Twitter thread , where screenwriter John Rogers talks about methods for notebook-keeping, and shared the photo below: It accompanies his first principle of notebook-keeping: First, a dedicated notebook for every project. This notenbook is creative … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: John Rogers→
This week’s addict is a writer of graphic novels and creator of the Netflix series Castlevania, among other creative ventures. On his website, he talks about his shift away from digital tools to capturing all this thoughts in notebooks like these: I almost exclusively think on paper these days. The first page of each notebook … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Warren Ellis→
This week’s addict is chamo_san, an artist from Barcelona who I’ve been following on Instagram. A lot of the work he shares is done in sketchbooks, and they all look rather lovely piled up like this! The work he’s creating inside them is quite stunning too! Here’s just a sampling: You can see more here: … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: chamo_san→
I found this week’s addict via a link at The Cramped, and there’s just so much to love! First, 96 notebooks all in a row! I am always impressed by this level of commitment to a single notebook type/brand. Then there’s the red dots on the spines so you can see at a glance how … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Dave Gauer→
I love hearing from past notebook addicts who update me on how their collections have grown. JournalJoy was featured as a Notebook Addict in April 2015. Since then I my notebook collection has grown substantially and I recently uploaded a video on my Youtube channel featuring my entire journal collection. I love to take my … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): JournalJoy→
Another addict from Reddit, who posted this helpfully annotated photo: I like how many of the notebooks themselves have been labeled. In the comments on the post, Root39 says some of these notebooks are from Muji, one is a composition book from the US, and the rest are mostly local brands, which I believe means … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: root39→
This week’s addict is another Reddit r/notebooks find. User Hopsfyquin shared this image and a brief description of their uses. You can see more comments at the original post. Sketching, painting, counselling, wish lists, memoir, lyrics, diaries, bullet journals, holiday planning and gratitude journaling. They all have their own set purpose, some may overlap with … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Hopsfyquin→
This week’s addict is a comics artist and ebook designer from Israel who has amassed quite a collection of sketchbooks and notebooks! Below are his photos and commentary: 01 Clairefontaine Zap Books – my go to sketchbooks since 2006, these are 320 page recycled paper books and they’re perfect for my pencil sketches. 02-03 Some … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Hagay→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…