Category Archives: My Collection

Using the Moleskine City Notebook: Paris

I have two of the Moleskine City Notebooks, one for New York (where I live) and one for Paris. I bought it for my first trip there a couple of months ago, and I really loved having it. Paris is the kind of place that is so constantly featured in newspaper and magazine articles– the … Continue reading Using the Moleskine City Notebook: Paris

Four Notebooks Reviewed Part 1: Moleskine, HandBook, Derwent, Pen & Ink

The notebooks I use most frequently are hard cover pocket sketchbooks, with heavy unlined paper that is suitable for various kinds of ink, pencil, and watercolor paints. I like to doodle and draw sometimes, so this type of notebook works well for me even though I also tend to use them for keeping a journal. … Continue reading Four Notebooks Reviewed Part 1: Moleskine, HandBook, Derwent, Pen & Ink

Moleskine Volant Notebooks

I bought a set of Moleskine Volant notebooks recently. I had ordered something else from Amazon and needed to tack something on to get that free shipping, so I figured what the heck! But now I’m not sure what to do with them! They’re nice notebooks– much more substantial than the Cahiers: sturdier, smoother cover … Continue reading Moleskine Volant Notebooks

Do You Remember Your First Notebook?

I don’t remember my first notebook, but my mother claims I was folding up pieces of paper into little books and carrying them around with me from at least the age of 3! Later, I remember having those little square datebooks that Hallmark shops used to give away for free–the ones that listed all the … Continue reading Do You Remember Your First Notebook?