I first saw the Essentials Notebook brand on the Barnes & Noble website— an accidental find, while looking for the Piccadilly Essential Notebook. I don’t know if the similar naming was deliberate, but the products are from two different companies. This Essentials Notebook is made by Peter Pauper Press, and I bought it at the … Continue reading Review: Essentials Notebook→
The Moleskine Voyageur notebook was introduced last summer, and so far remains a unique outlier in their product line. It’s an odd size, in between the classic pocket and large notebooks. It has a brown cloth-bound cover. It has a fancy die-cut paper wrapper with a travel-themed collage element. It has colored endpapers. I guess … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Voyageur Notebook Review→
I first heard about the TWSBI brand via the Fountain Pen Network forums, which are a great place to discuss and learn about all things pen-and-notebook-y. I personally don’t have a mania for fountain pens, but people who do are very picky about the paper they use them on, so I’m always interested to know … Continue reading Review: TWSBI Notebooks→
The Ogami notebook makes a strong first impression, in more ways than one. Visually, it makes a great first impression: it comes in nice colors, including this gorgeous turquoise, and the design is sharp and clean and appealing. And it’s Italian! You had me at “millimetri.” But there is also a rather negative first impression … Continue reading Review: Ogami Notebook→
I bought the Metro notebook about a year ago, at artsupply.com. I think I had just stumbled across it while browsing around and searching for notebooks, and I was intrigued because it looked like a standard little Moleskine-clone and the price was really low, only $2.48 (plus shipping). They are no longer available on that … Continue reading Review: Metro Notebook→
A few years ago, I reviewed the Pentalic Illustrator’s Sketchbook. I quite liked it but found that the paper was a bit thin and show-through was more than average. A commenter on that post noted that Pentalic had “beefed up” after these were initially introduced, and that seems to be true. More recently, I bought … Continue reading Review: Pentalic Illustrator’s Sketchbook, New Version→
I’ve had my eye on Stamford notebooks for a while–Â in fact, probably since they first started producing them in October 2013! In following their brand on Facebook, I was always impressed at the huge variety of colors and materials offered for their covers, and the fact that they are made in the UK. It … Continue reading Review & Giveaway: Stamford Notebooks→
I love stories about notebook fans who turn to producing their own dream notebooks when they can’t find them anywhere else! Justin Woo wrote to me with his own tale of how the Object Series notebook was born: “I had never come across a notebook I was actively searching for: black, flexible leather cover with … Continue reading Review: Object Series Notebook→
Are you starting a new notebook or planner for 2015? What kind? What are your plans or resolutions for filling it? Share your thoughts and comments here, or on my Facebook page, or on Twitter. I’d love to see photos of your notebooks too! Happy New Year, everyone!
Here’s the stash of notebooks I brought back from my Amsterdam/Paris trip. First, two little notebooks from a local newsstand/bookstore near where I was staying. They had a nice selection of school supplies, and other notebook brands such as Moleskine, but these two were inexpensive and not like others I’d seen elsewhere. The blue one … Continue reading Notebooks from Paris and Amsterdam→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…