I can’t believe this is my first Muji notebook review! I’m a big fan of the Japanese chain Muji. I first went to one of their stores in London at least 15 years ago and loved their minimal aesthetic and practical offerings. Back then, I mainly remember buying a recycled yarn t-shirt and a small … Continue reading Muji Notebook Review: A6 Slim→
I spotted the Tru Red notebook on one of my periodic trips to Staples. This is a house brand for them, manufactured in Turkey, with a variety of notebook styles, page formats and sizes available. When I saw that they had pocket size notebooks with dot grid and squared pages available, I decided to add … Continue reading Tru Red Notebook Review→
Only the biggest stationery geek in the world goes around saying things like “I LOVE MOTTLED PRESSBOARD!” Only the biggest stationery geeks probably even know what it is… in fact, I myself didn’t know what it was until just recently. Or rather, I knew what it was but I didn’t know what it was called. … Continue reading Mottled Pressboard Notebooks→
This look at the Pen & Ink Sketchbook is the 2nd post in my “Then and Now” series, examining various notebook brands that have been around for a while to see how they’ve changed. (See my “then and now” post about the Rhodia Webnotebook). I am always griping about how Moleskine’s notebooks have declined in … Continue reading Pen & Ink Sketchbook: Then & Now Review→
My Nolty addiction went a little overboard this year. I was so intrigued by some of the 2020 formats that I ended up buying 4 diaries, including the new Nolty Daily Book. I’m not totally sure how I’m going to use all of them! First, the Nolty Efficiency Notebook Gold. This is my second year … Continue reading Nolty Daily Book and Other 2020 Diaries→
Yoseka Stationery is a wonderful little independent stationery shop in the Sunnyside neighborhood of Queens, NYC. I visited the shop about a year ago and had a great chat with the owners, Daisy and Neil. I bought my Kokuyo Sketch Book there, as well as some ink. (I felt like I’d showed admirable restraint, given … Continue reading Yoseka Notebook Review→
As mentioned in a recent post about my daily carry notebooks, I’ve been using an extra Nolty diary to keep a scrapbook of interesting images, often artworks seen in the newspaper or a magazine, or sometimes just random clippings and bits of washi tape. A couple people have asked if I print out online images, … Continue reading 2019 Image Diary→
Ireland is a fun place to visit. But I didn’t find it a wholly satisfying place for notebook shopping, which is always on my agenda when traveling. A few months ago, I was in Dublin and a few other towns, but most of the time, the pickings seemed slim. It was hard to even find … Continue reading Notebooks from Ireland→
It’s been a while since I attempted any sort of notebook hack or alteration (except for removing the pen loop from a Taotree notebook), but I recently decided to do a little experiment. I’ve always like the Moleskine City notebooks because they have a nice thickness, with more pages than the normal pocket size notebooks. … Continue reading Notebook Hack (Attempt): Moleskine + Stillman & Birn→
I recently wrote about how Moleskine’s packaging has evolved over the years. I thought it would be interesting to take a look at a similar Rhodia Webnotebook comparison. In future posts, I’ll also examine some other popular brands to see how their products have changed over time. I first reviewed a Rhodia Webnotebook in 2009, … Continue reading Rhodia Webnotebook Comparison: Then & Now→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…