Coolest Notebook Commercial Ever!
I love this video! SCRIBE MUNDO DE PAPEL from ladies on Vimeo. Apparently this Mexican notebook brand also offers a Moleskinealike– see this link.
I love this video! SCRIBE MUNDO DE PAPEL from ladies on Vimeo. Apparently this Mexican notebook brand also offers a Moleskinealike– see this link.
You’d have to be living under a rock not to have heard the news that celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz is broke. But here’s a new detail: she spent a lot of money on expensive notebooks! When [Leibovitz’s daughter] Sarah started eating solid food, a rigorous journaling policy was instituted, in which every bite and bowel … Continue reading Annie Leibovitz’s Financial Meltdown: Notebooks Partially to Blame
Now here’s a cool and unusual way to use a notebook! Not for writing notes in, but as a desk organizer for stray odds and ends: Feldnotizbücher* in Deutschland via the Field Notes Blog
Every once in a while, I have a little burst of temporary insanity, and I decide to go browsing on EBay. Fortunately, some of these bursts lead to interesting and inexpensive notebook finds! Here’s a real gem: This notebook must have been given out as a promotional item by a company called Rice-Stix, based in … Continue reading EBay Find: Rice-Stix
This has to be the strangest, most specific use of a notebook I’ve ever heard about: Clément Gaujal, a customer quality representative for Nissan who grew up in Paris, recalled that his mother had a tenuous grasp of batch size when it came to lentils, and often ended up serving their leftovers for three or … Continue reading Logging Lentil Leftovers
I surrepticiously snapped this photo of a sweatshirt with a doodled-on notebook page image on the back! I like the grinning pencil.
What would you expect to find in Jack Kerouac’s notebooks? Probably not this: Jack Kerouac — Mr. On the Road, the King of the Beats, who begat the beatniks who begat the hippies who begat the hipsters — Jack Kerouac, the fountainhead of cool — that Jack Kerouac was obsessed with — guess what. Freedom? … Continue reading Jack Kerouac’s Notebooks: Not What You’d Think!
A few years ago, former Senator Bob Graham, then a presidential candidate, raised some eyebrows when it was revealed that he kept extremely detailed diaries noting how he spent every minute of his day: 12:50: Cissy thinks she’s going into labor 1:15: Cissy preparing to leave for Baptist Hospital 1:20-1:30: MLTH. Bedroom, bathroom. Dress in … Continue reading Bob Graham’s Notebooks In the News
I watched this movie the other night and was incredibly disappointed. I loved Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and thought Charlie Kaufman could do no wrong, but this movie was just a boring, overwrought, trying-too-hard downer as far as I was concerned. But there were a couple of scenes where … Continue reading Notebooks in Synechdoche, New York
Here’s a neat item that stretches the definition of “notebook,” or at least turns the clock back on it! Brass and Ivory Pocket Notebook It’s the 18th century version of the PDA. Beautifully crafted here in the US. Based on an original that Jefferson owned. These are made of sturdy brass stock with 4 old … Continue reading Retro and Expensive!