The Elle website features eleven favorite notebooks (with a wee mention of a review by yours truly), including Moleskine, Smythson, the Shopsin Diary, and the oh-so-high-school Trapper Keeper– who knew it’s been revived as a trendy accessory!
Talk about the ultimate indulgence: devoting a notebook entirely to one’s chocolate consumption! Isn’t it hard to start writing in a brand new notebook? Best to write or draw something on the first page right away, so you don’t have to be intimidated by the blank pages anymore. This is my newest one and I … Continue reading Yummy Idea: Keep a Chocolate Notebook!→
I always love hearing about writers’ notebooks, though this is a little different from most! From an interview with Bonnie Jo Campbell, author of American Salvage: Do you keep any kind of notebook? I don’t have a writing notebook properly, but I do have this fabulous datebook that I keep with me at all times. … Continue reading Bonnie Jo Campbell’s Standard Diary→
The Moleskine Color-a-Month 2010 Daily Planner has turned a lot of heads this year– it’s certainly the most colorful and unusual product Moleskine has introduced. But what’s inside that chunky rainbow package? Let’s take a look! The planner is the size of a pocket Moleskine notebook, but at 2 1/8 inches, it’s about 4 times … Continue reading Review & Giveaway: Moleskine Color-a-Month 2010 Planner→
I’m impressed by Anne at Tagged and Cajoled, who writes about here notebooks in this post. She always knows where to look for things she’s jotted down. I sometimes know but often I might have to search back through several notebooks for something I know I’ve written, but I’m not sure exactly when or where. … Continue reading Which Notebook Did I Write That In???→
From The Unfolding Moment, this is a lovely post about the ups and downs of keeping a journal, and now it feels to go back and re-read old journals: Reflection: Leave the Roots On. Every once in a while, I become reacquainted with old notebooks. My life is flush with them: sketchbooks and art journals, … Continue reading Thoughts on Journaling→
I recently noticed this story about Siegfried Sassoon’s notebooks being archived at Cambridge University. Sassoon was a poet who refused to return to fight after being wounded in World War I. (Read Pat Barker’s novel Regeneration for an interesting perspective on his story.) The archive contains, among other things “Sassoon’s journals [and]Â pocket notebooks compiled … Continue reading Siegfried Sassoon’s Notebooks→
Here’s a nice way to use notebooks, from Gretchen Rubin at The Happiness Project: Studies show that thinking back on happy times elevates mood, and observing and preserving memories is one of the most satisfying ways of bringing order to life. My mother started a memory-keeping tradition a few years ago that has proved to … Continue reading Preserve Your Happy Memories in a Notebook→
I spotted this ad on the New York Times home page and got all excited– yes, this is how big a geek I am, that a mere image like this makes me say “ooh, ooh, what’s that little blue notebook?!?!” But it turned out not to be all that exciting after all. The ad was … Continue reading Little Blue Notebook? International Herald Tribune Diary.→
From an entry at 43 Things: continue writing in my journal Got to get a new one I threw away all my old diaries becuase they were just bad memories and the bad energy just made me miserable. I feel lighter now that i got rid of them… Time to start a new journal. One … Continue reading Throwing Out Old Diaries?→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…