This seemed like an appropriate notebook for today: Actually, the contents of this notebook are anything but romantic. My mother gave it to me in 1981 and asked me to keep a diary while she was away for a couple of weeks, helping her sister with a newborn baby. I dutifully chronicled everything I did, … Continue reading Happy Valentine’s Day!→
I love it when I get emails that begin like this: “My name is Cassie, and I’m a notebook addict. I’m sending you some pictures of my collection.” Here’s what Cassie has to say: I love, love, love notebooks. I’ve been scribbling ever since I could hold a pen, and keeping a journal seriously since … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Cassie→
Here we are with another Carnival of Pen, Pencil & Paper. It’s an interesting selection this month– I think the notebook people need to step it up a bit as far more of our submissions tend to be about pens! But there’s a great variety of pen articles that made for interesting reading, so I’m … Continue reading Carnival of Pen, Pencil & Paper #18→
This week’s addict blogs at Walking Butterfly, where she shows off some of her journals: She says: “I have filled dozens of personal journals over the years. I kept diaries when I was in school and continued all through college, single life, and early marriage. Then when I was pregnant with my first child I … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Brenda Susan→
Here’s an exhibit I plan on checking out in the near future: “The Diary: Three Centuries of Private Lives,” at the Morgan Library in New York. The exhibit includes these lovely items: A diary jointly kept by Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife, Sophia Peabody Hawthorne: John Ruskin’s chess diary: You can see more images in … Continue reading Morgan Library Exhibit: “The Diary”→
This week’s addict is Mr. Dan Kelly, a writer who blogs at Gentleman Unafraid and offers us this pile of journals– every one he’s kept since 1986, with consistent daily entries since 1995. That’s some discipline!
Brittany, who describes herself as “a thirteen-year-old writer of middle-grade fiction,” offers some good ideas for everyone who has a hoard of notebooks and can’t think of what to do with them. Here’s idea #1: 1. Keep a dream journal.- I’ve gotten some good story ideas from dreams, or at least little bits of story. … Continue reading 10 Uses for Spare Notebooks→
2011 is already a few days over and I’ve yet to 100% decide what I’m going to do for a diary. I say “diary” and not “planner,” since I tend to use a paper diary only to record past info on diet, exercise, health, and other little notes, as opposed to noting future events. In … Continue reading No 2011 Diary?→
Still trying to decide on a 2011 planner? Check out this post for some ideas (though some may only be available in the Philippines): No Frills vs. The Chichi: The Battle of Buying Your 2011 Planner @ Metro.
Here’s a few oldies-but-goodies from my collection, three Roaring Spring spiral notebooks that I bought in 1980 and used between then and 1982. I love the colors– the outside covers are slightly faded and scuffed compared to the inside front covers. The back covers are just plain cardboard. You can see below that I stapled … Continue reading Roaring Spring Spiral Notebooks, Early 1980s→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…