Category Archives: Diary

Henry Wilkinson’s World War I Diary and Sketchbook

A fitting way to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I: an English soldier’s diary of his time as a prisoner of war in 1918. One of the photos below shows that the diary was re-written in 1920. I wonder if the original writings were in a diary similar to this … Continue reading Henry Wilkinson’s World War I Diary and Sketchbook

What I’m Using Now: October 2018

My last update was in May 2018, when I shocked everyone by not having any Moleskine notebook in my daily carry. Let’s see how things have changed since then! I am still using the Leda Sketchbook shown in the May 2018 post. I’m almost done with it and am planning to replace it with a … Continue reading What I’m Using Now: October 2018

Revisiting the Past: GeorgieR’s Filofax (2008)

Another oldie but goodie in celebration of 10 years of Notebook Stories. I originally wrote the post below in October 2008 and GeorgieR’s notebook is still one of my favorite “Other People’s Notebooks” posts. I love the density of the pages and the wear on the Filofax binder. Seeing notebooks like this always makes me … Continue reading Revisiting the Past: GeorgieR’s Filofax (2008)

Revisiting the Past: More on Finishing Notebooks (2014)

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of this site, I thought I’d revisit some popular posts from the past. This one is from 2014. In it, I talk about an important shift in my notebook usage habits– from being fickle and switching notebooks before finishing them, to filling every page. You can see the comments on … Continue reading Revisiting the Past: More on Finishing Notebooks (2014)

Ten Years of Notebook Stories!

September 12, 2008: 25 people died in a train collision in Los Angeles. Top Wall Street bankers and US government officials met in a panic to try to save Lehman Brothers, as the country began to tumble into the biggest financial crisis since the depression. David Foster Wallace committed suicide. But on the brighter side of things, … Continue reading Ten Years of Notebook Stories!

Notebook Addiction at Different Ages

I’ve been thinking about what it’s like to be a notebook addict when you’re a kid vs. as an adult. I know this site has some teenage readers, and I sometimes hear from parents whose kids love notebooks. I myself was obsessed with notebooks before I even knew how to write– I recently found an … Continue reading Notebook Addiction at Different Ages

Nolty 2019 Efficiency Notebook Diary from Japan Management

I’ve been loving using my 2018 Nolty diary all this year (full review here), and eagerly awaiting the 2019 version. It looks like they are finally appearing online and I’ll be hoping to score one (or maybe a few!) at Kinokuniya on a trip into NYC this fall. It’s interesting to see all the different … Continue reading Nolty 2019 Efficiency Notebook Diary from Japan Management

Review: Stalogy Notebook

Stalogy is a Japanese notebook brand that has been growing in popularity from what I can see on social media. The brand name is a contraction of the words stationery, standard and technology. I’m not sure this notebook is particularly technological, but I’m a sucker for pretty much any Japanese notebook, so of course I … Continue reading Review: Stalogy Notebook

Notebooks by Pad & Quill

I’m always happy to see a new brand of notebooks, especially hardcovers with linen cloth binding. These look quite nice– attractive grey exterior, two contrasting ribbon markers, and available in plain or dot grid paper, in two sizes. Small Journal Notebook for bullet-style journaling with archival-quality linen cloth, numbered pages, table of contents, wide format, … Continue reading Notebooks by Pad & Quill

Nature and Notebook

They go so well together, don’t they? The notebook below belongs to Mary Richmond, who really brings her nature walk to life in the linked article.  The sun was still low enough in the sky that it cast a golden glow over and through the trees. The air was fresh scented, the leaves still a … Continue reading Nature and Notebook