Category Archives: creativity

Wooden Notebooks

Gary Robbins wrote to me a while back to share some photos of his beautiful handmade wooden notebooks: As the proprietor of my favorite obsessive notebook blog, I though you might enjoy these blank books I’m manufacturing. Xylobooks were designed to marry traditional bookbinding methods with a clean, modern aesthetic that emphasizes the tactile nature … Continue reading Wooden Notebooks

Fictional Journals

I stumbled upon a blogger who lists her 6 favorite books that feature journals or are told in journal form. Here’s her top pick: 1. I Capture the Castle/ Dodie Smith A delightful English book, set in the 30’s, telling the story of Cassandra Mortmain and her eccentric family. Begins with the classic line “I … Continue reading Fictional Journals

Clairefontaine Life.Unplugged. Notebook Elastic Band Hack

I hadn’t seen or heard of these Clairefontaine Life.Unplugged notebooks before reading this post: Ink Nouveau: Clairefontaine Life.Unplugged. Notebook Elastic Band Hack. They seem to be nice little cahier-style notebooks– they don’t come with an elastic, but you can add one if you’re handy with a glue gun! See the original post for further steps. … Continue reading Clairefontaine Life.Unplugged. Notebook Elastic Band Hack

Moleskine Monday: A Drawing a Day

A fine ambition– I have told myself I’d do this too, but haven’t been as successful in actually DOING it as this blogger: I will begin drawing and submitting one sketch a day from my new Moleskine sketchbook. I will post no matter how awful, haphazard, or incomplete the sketch is. The point is to … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: A Drawing a Day

Notebook Addict of the Week: Laura Jane

Here’s a cool batch of artistically decorated notebooks: And here’s what Laura Jane has to say about them: My notebooks are my babies, my progeny, an extension of myself. They are my phantom arm. If I ever lost a notebook, it would destroy me, but I would never lose a notebook, because I always check. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Laura Jane

Agatha Christie’s Notebooks

Any bookworm has probably read at least one Agatha Christie mystery– I read quite a few when I was a kid. Now there’s a book about how she used notebooks to do her writing: Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks: Fifty Years of Mysteries in the Making, by John Curran. Curran stumbled on the notebooks while spending … Continue reading Agatha Christie’s Notebooks

Moleskine Monday: Customized Planner at Library Notebook

Here’s another example of a customized Moleskine, this time from Library Notebook. She’s turned it into an all-in-one notebook, with lists, a calendar, and sections for specific projects. She’s also added some extra envelopes to hold business cards and snazzed the whole thing up with colorful artwork. More info and images at Library Notebook: Another … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Customized Planner at Library Notebook