Category Archives: creativity

Notebook Addict(s) of the Week: She Writes

“She Writes” is an online community for women writers, with over 9,000 active members from all fifty states and more than thirty countries. As you can imagine, these ladies love their notebooks! Deborah Siegel asked “What’s in Your Notebook” and got these amongst her responses: Response by Tania Prputniewicz Notebooks I Have Known by Kelly … Continue reading Notebook Addict(s) of the Week: She Writes

Feeling Guilty About Notebooks

I loved this post I stumbled across, in which the writer ponders the different notebooks she’s been using for the “morning pages” exercise recommended in The Artist’s Way: This morning, as I began writing I started thinking about my good old Black ‘n Red. I thought, maybe I should go back and start writing in … Continue reading Feeling Guilty About Notebooks

Konstantin Schmölzer’s Unique Notebooks

I recently got an email from an Austrian designer named Konstantin Schmölzer, who asked me to take a look at his concept for a notebook. His idea is very cool: a notebook with multiple bookmarks that can link from an index page to anywhere in the notebook. Here’s an image of one of his prototypes: … Continue reading Konstantin Schmölzer’s Unique Notebooks

David Mitchell’s Notebook

I wasn’t familiar with David Mitchell’s books, but there was an interesting article about him in this past Sunday’s New York Times Magazine: Since the appearance of his debut novel, “Ghostwritten,” in 1999 — a fifth, “The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet,” is being published this week — Mitchell’s writing has been compared with … Continue reading David Mitchell’s Notebook

Moleskine Monday: Pressed Flowers & Leaves from Mt. Hood

Moleskinerie linked to these beautiful images and I liked them so much I had to share it too: Mt. Hood Moleskine Journal. I love the look of the pages with the light wash of color and pressed-in plants. I haven’t tried to save plants in a notebook like this since I was a kid and … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Pressed Flowers & Leaves from Mt. Hood

Moleskine Monday: Old and New

Here’s someone who has just finished one Moleskine sketchbook and is about to start another: I love what she wrote about using her notebooks: I carry my moleskine almost everywhere I go — it’s my calandar, it’s my reference book, it’s my crossword-puzzle-holder, it’s my playground,it’s my portfolio, it’s my storybook, it’s my notebook, it’s … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Old and New

Moleskine Monday: Three in One

Here’s a fun Moleskine hack I found on Flickr, taking the pages out of a planner and using the cover to hold 3 cahiers. I’ve been wanting to try something similar myself, but with the cahiers somehow bound to the cover rather than remaining loose when the elastic is opened. Haven’t quite figured out how … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Three in One

International Fake Journal Month

I love this concept, and wish I had heard about it before now, as it occurs in April each year: International Fake Journal Month. Here’s the creator’s explanation: What Is International Fake Journal Month? Basically it’s a free pass to put anything in a journal that you might not otherwise put in. At least that’s … Continue reading International Fake Journal Month