Do you type up things you write in your notebooks? This week’s addict does, or at least tries to! But he hasn’t gotten through the entire backlog of this collection: A notebook first found its way into my pocket in 1995. I was a college freshman, a gumshoe at the college newspaper. One night at … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: AntSaint→
NubbyTwiglet has an interesting idea for a visual journal/scrapbook: a Typography Notebook. I read a lot of magazines and find amazing type everywhere I look. Instead of keeping these images loose (and just waiting to get lost), I began gluing them into an inexpensive Muji notebook that I deemed my ‘Typography Notebook’ about two years … Continue reading Typography Notebook→
Ever wanted to make your own notebooks out of recycled paper? Design Sponge posted a neat tutorial: Read more at Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » diy project: recycled scrap paper notebooks.
Laura Jane shows off these notebooks and journals, saying “I covet them. {seriously}” Read more and see some scrapbooking tips at her blog, Call Me Laura Jane.
An amusing tidbit from a Salon post about Tao Lin, an up and coming writer described as “the next big thing in urban hipster lit.” Among his unusual marketing stunts are things like selling shares in the future profits from his novels, and putting odds and ends like drawings, notes and unpublished story drafts up … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Tao Lin Sells His→
The Art of Manliness blog muses on the long tradition of keeping a notebook: The idea of carrying around a pocket notebook has become quite popular these last few years, revived by the introduction of the current incarnation of the “Moleskine†into the market. It’s become so popular that I’m afraid it has come to … Continue reading The Manly Tradition of the Pocket Notebook→
Now here’s a book many of us might like to read! Or write ourselves… From Old Notebooks is a memoir, a novel, a poem, an essay — a self-styled memoivel — which exemplifies how love of language and literature enriches our lives, and explores, often with great humor, the many pitfalls confronting a young writer and father … Continue reading Book: From Old Notebooks→
From the Huffington Post: The thing about opening your mind up to a new story idea is that you once you do it, there’s no going back. All of a sudden, everything seems like it has to do with the new idea. Songs and lyrics and billboards and articles and movies and books and people … Continue reading “Little Notebooks Everywhere”→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…