Category Archives: creativity

Notebooking Through the Coronavirus

I’ve heard from a couple of readers on how they’re notebooking their way through the COVID-19 shutdown. Here are their stories: Tina Koyama A little more than 3 weeks ago, I was so freaked out about the pandemic that I needed something to do to calm my mind so that I could move on with … Continue reading Notebooking Through the Coronavirus

Glue Notebooks Together… Without Glue?

Another one to file under “stupid notebook tricks.” But it’s kind of a neat trick! A local news station in Denver, CO demonstrates in a video on their website: You can glue two notebooks together just by weaving together their pages. Don’t believe us? Science guy Steve Spangler explains how it works. Spoiler alert: the … Continue reading Glue Notebooks Together… Without Glue?

Julien D’ys’ Notebooks

From Hair artist Julien D’ys is one person never low on artistic output. Over the years, he has amassed hundreds of notebooks all bursting with sketches, paintings and photographs that have formed the basis of his work with Comme des Garçons, John Galliano, Karl Lagerfeld and Marni, to name a few. ‘My notebook is like my brain,’ D’ys says. … Continue reading Julien D’ys’ Notebooks

Roy Lichtenstein’s Sketchbook

Roy Lichtenstein is best known for his Pop Art comic book style works, so I was quite surprised to come across this page from one of his sketchbooks, which is now in the collection of the Whitney Museum. Not comic-y at all, these seem to be studies of perhaps architectural moldings and patterns. I was … Continue reading Roy Lichtenstein’s Sketchbook

Notebooking through the Pandemic

How’s everyone doing? Are you staying home? Are you writing a lot? Drawing? Filling notebooks to fill your time? Recording what life is like during this historic pandemic? These are such strange times. I’ve stopped carrying a bag or any notebooks with me when I do my weekly grocery run so I’ll have less stuff … Continue reading Notebooking through the Pandemic

Notebooks from Hancock Hill

How would you like to sit at this desk and do some writing in a notebook? That desk is on Hancock Hill, in Alpine, Texas. It’s been there for 40 years. At first, the guy whose idea it was to put the desk there just stashed a notebook in the drawer so he could record … Continue reading Notebooks from Hancock Hill

Chris Russell’s Humanity Notebooks

I have a couple of Moleskine’s Japanese Albums, but I’ve never actually used one. The elongated spread of pages always seems daunting to me, but I love to see the way other artists take advantage of this format. American illustrator Chris Russell is one of the best I’ve seen. Large narrative paintings by seventeenth century … Continue reading Chris Russell’s Humanity Notebooks

Notebook Addict of the Week: Jacqueline

This week’s addict shared these photos of her journals: Wow. I love all the intense patterns and color, which I think looks even better because of the standard shape and size of all the journals. Jacqueline is using a Dyan Reaveley Creative Dyalog  standard TN cover that she painted, and made her own inserts featuring … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Jacqueline

Tracking Yearly Goals in a Notebook

I loved this post from the “Writing at Large” blog, about tracking goals and resolutions in a notebook. The dense lists and checked-off boxes are very satisfying. My “resolutions” are, however, S.M.A.R.T. goals: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. I manage them using the least used notebook that I had lying around (a Baron Fig Confidant), … Continue reading Tracking Yearly Goals in a Notebook

Dan Currie’s Comedy Notebook

Dan Currie is a stand-up comedian based in Lansing, MI. One of his favorite things is his notebook: My favorite thing is a notebook I acquired back in 2014. Over a four-year span, I’ve had it at hundreds of shows. My friend and fellow comedian Carl Johnson booked me and a group of other comics … Continue reading Dan Currie’s Comedy Notebook