Category Archives: TWSBI

Notebook Deterioration

When you build up a collection of notebooks over the years, it’s important to remember that sometimes the stash may not stay as well-preserved as you’d like if you aren’t using or at least handling them regularly! I was recently going through some of my boxes of notebooks, trying to decide what to use next … Continue reading Notebook Deterioration

Shoebox Tour: A Box of Squared Notebooks

It’s been fun to get all my notebooks out of storage and start trying to organize them better. Opening each box is like visiting old friends! I thought I’d give you a box by box tour of my collection over the next few months– longtime readers will recognize items I’ve reviewed in the past. This … Continue reading Shoebox Tour: A Box of Squared Notebooks

Black Friday! Black Notebooks!

If you are sick of all the Black Friday deal ads, rest your eyes on this! (and then visit my Amazon store! The commissions I earn from your purchases help keep this site going!)

Notebooks in Storage

Exciting times here at Notebook Stories headquarters… as I’ve mentioned in passing in a few posts, most of my notebook collection has been sitting in a storage unit for almost 2 years. It’s been quite frustrating to have all these notebooks in storage and not to be able to access them for blog posts and … Continue reading Notebooks in Storage

What I’m Using Now (January 2018)

Here’s the most recent update to my “using now” photo: My main daily notebook is still the squared pocket Moleskine. A pocket Moleskine sketchbook is also a daily carry. And I have added the Nolty 2018 diary to my daily carry as well– I was originally thinking I would keep it by my bedside to … Continue reading What I’m Using Now (January 2018)

Notebook Addict of the Week: Matt Hutcheson from Wanderings Notebook

People who start companies to make notebooks are usually notebook addicts– here’s a case in point. The Wanderings Notebook is a refillable leather notebook similar to the Midori Traveler’s Notebook. But on the company’s blog, Matt Hutcheson offers an agnostic appreciation of notebooks in general, with this shot of the his collection, plus some thoughts … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Matt Hutcheson from Wanderings Notebook

Review: TWSBI Notebooks

I first heard about the TWSBI brand via the Fountain Pen Network forums, which are a great place to discuss and learn about all things pen-and-notebook-y. I personally don’t have a mania for fountain pens, but people who do are very picky about the paper they use them on, so I’m always interested to know … Continue reading Review: TWSBI Notebooks

Notebook Addict of the Week: Heath

This week’s addict is the blogger at Pen Paper Ink Letter. Heath is another addict who uses many notebooks at once: 7 of them! Heath says “I get that seven notebooks sounds like a lot but each has its own purpose. I have flirted with moving to a few more but keep coming back to … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Heath