What a lovely display of notebooks and pencils, from the Instagram account of xanelachic. I recognize a couple of brands from Portugal, similar to ones in my own collection: Serrote Letterpress (the white one that says “caderno”) and Emilio Braga (the hardcover with contrasting spine and corners at bottom left). Source: Xanelachic’s original post on … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: xanelachic →
I vacationed in Portugal last fall, and returned with a nice little pile of notebooks: The first ones I bought were this set of 4 stitched cahier-type notebooks. They were a bit expensive at 15 Euros, but I guess that was to be expected as they were bought at a very touristy location. Nice smooth … Continue reading Notebooks from Portugal →
I’m just back from another trip where I used a Moleskine City Notebook, this time for Lisbon. I really enjoy using these on trips, as it’s handier than having to tote around a full guidebook. I stayed in a very central location, and the maps covered most (but not all) of the areas I visited … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Lisbon →
If you happen to be in Singapore, you might want to stop by a store called Books Actually. They have a nicely-curated selection of notebooks, some of which they create themselves, and others from international brands such as Cavallini and Serrote: Read more at BooksActually: wall of notebooks.
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…