Category Archives: Roaring Spring

Roaring Spring Spiral Notebooks, Early 1980s

Here’s a few oldies-but-goodies from my collection, three Roaring Spring spiral notebooks that I bought in 1980 and used between then and 1982. I love the colors– the outside covers are slightly faded and scuffed compared to the inside front covers. The back covers are just plain cardboard. You can see below that I stapled … Continue reading Roaring Spring Spiral Notebooks, Early 1980s

Notebooks as Evidence

An interesting website: Apparently, part of the settlement between the tobacco industry and the states that sued it was to make all the documents used as evidence available online. Here’s a link to one example, which happens to be an 8.5 x 11″ spiral notebook made by Roaring Spring/Top Scholar. It’s hard to read, … Continue reading Notebooks as Evidence