Notebook Addict of the Week: The Writing Tree: I *heart* Notebooks
This blogger/writer/photographer says “I *heart* notebooks!” What a colorful collection… More photos at The Writing Tree: I *heart* Notebooks.
This blogger/writer/photographer says “I *heart* notebooks!” What a colorful collection… More photos at The Writing Tree: I *heart* Notebooks.
Arwey is an interesting brand of notebooks you don’t see too often. The company is based in Turkey, but even on my trip to Istanbul, I only saw their notebooks sold in one store. I first discovered them at A.I. Friedman in New York, but they don’t seem to be carried there anymore. However, the … Continue reading Review & Massive Giveaway: Arwey Notebooks
Moleskine is expanding their list of not-just-a-notebook products– first came the Kindle covers (for the Kindle DX and previous generation 6″ Kindle ), and now they are introducing cases for the iPhone and iPad, each combining a notebook with a cover for your electronic device: It looks like the iPhone cover even includes a handy … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: iPhone and iPad Cases
Here’s an interesting take on notebooks that I have to quote at length: I don’t like fancy journals. Hardbound is great for books, but when it comes to things I write in, spiral bound please. No fancy covers – though hard covers can be nice when you write on the road a lot. No fifty-dollar, … Continue reading “The Importance of Having a Crap Notebook”
There’s something rather pleasing about the precisely arranged notebooks in this photo: @moleskine Here is my entire collection… One is always within reach. Each one houses a different project..
Karen sent me this photo of some of her notebooks, saying I confess that these are all unused at the moment (I’m currently using a Moleskine sketchbook, a cheap sketchbook with watercolour paper from The Works, a UK discount store, for art journalling and a small notebook in my bag for jotting down important facts … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Karen
I found this from a comment on the Art of Manliness post about notebooks. Memo talks about his system for using notebooks, but what intrigued me most was this photo: That is some seriously secure storage for notebooks! Love it! (especially since he made this out of an electrical box instead of buying a more … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Memo’s Secure System
Do you type up things you write in your notebooks? This week’s addict does, or at least tries to! But he hasn’t gotten through the entire backlog of this collection: A notebook first found its way into my pocket in 1995. I was a college freshman, a gumshoe at the college newspaper. One night at … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: AntSaint
NubbyTwiglet has an interesting idea for a visual journal/scrapbook: a Typography Notebook. I read a lot of magazines and find amazing type everywhere I look. Instead of keeping these images loose (and just waiting to get lost), I began gluing them into an inexpensive Muji notebook that I deemed my ‘Typography Notebook’ about two years … Continue reading Typography Notebook
Karl Rove made a speech to the Yale Political Union, in which he held up a member’s two Moleskines as a sign of pretension: The man known as “Bush’s Brain†doesn’t like the recent healthcare legislation, global warming or Moleskine notebooks… “I have never before been in a group that was so obviously and clearly … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Karl Rove Doesn’t Like Them