Category Archives: Brands

Moleskine Monday: Rod Luff’s Painterly Pages

I was quite excited to see these Moleskine pages by Australian artist Rod Luff– I”m not sure exactly what kinds of materials he’s using, but the intense colors are amazing– some of his pages look like the kind of rich, intense oil paintings you’d only expect to see being done on an easel, not in … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Rod Luff’s Painterly Pages

Notebook Addict of the Week: Mr. Dan Kelly

This week’s addict is Mr. Dan Kelly, a writer who blogs at Gentleman Unafraid and offers us this pile of journals– every one he’s kept since 1986, with consistent daily entries since 1995. That’s some discipline!

No 2011 Diary?

2011 is already a few days over and I’ve yet to 100% decide what I’m going to do for a diary. I say “diary” and not “planner,” since I tend to use a paper diary only to record past info on diet, exercise, health, and other little notes, as opposed to noting future events. In … Continue reading No 2011 Diary?

Review and Giveaway: TeNeues CoolNotes

Here’s a notebook that adds a splash of color to your life: Cool Notes, from the stationery and art book publisher TeNeues. The folks there were kind enough to send me some free samples to review and share with some lucky winners. First of all, don’t you love the colors? The black notebooks are livened … Continue reading Review and Giveaway: TeNeues CoolNotes

Moleskine Monday: Box Sets

Moleskine Asia has some boxed sets for sale– I haven’t seen anything like this in the US except for a special set MoMA did to tie into the Bauhaus exhibit. The “Colour Box” contains these items: – large volant ruled notebook (one of the colours: blue/ green/ pink/ sky blue/ red/ black/ purple, set of … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Box Sets

Notebook Addict of the Week: Jason

This week’s addict displays this nice neat pile of some of his “secret obsession”– notebooks: Ever since I started drawing, I have been fascinated by books of blank white pages, i.e. Sketchbooks. A book devoid of all content, just waiting to be filled with anything. Throughout highschool I carried a sketchbook with me at all … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Jason

Roaring Spring Spiral Notebooks, Early 1980s

Here’s a few oldies-but-goodies from my collection, three Roaring Spring spiral notebooks that I bought in 1980 and used between then and 1982. I love the colors– the outside covers are slightly faded and scuffed compared to the inside front covers. The back covers are just plain cardboard. You can see below that I stapled … Continue reading Roaring Spring Spiral Notebooks, Early 1980s