Category Archives: Brands

Moleskine Monday: The Switch from Wire-Bound Sketchbooks

BengKia discusses using wire-bound sketchbooks, Monologue notebooks and Moleskines: The advantages of a stitched sketchbook over a spiral-ring sketchbook are a few. I have found that the spiral-ring binding is prone to being bent out of shape when stuffed in a bag and once the binding rings are deformed, it makes opening the pages difficult. … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: The Switch from Wire-Bound Sketchbooks

Notebook Addict of the Week: Rowland Jones

This week’s addict is someone whose sketches I’ve posted here before. He sent me these photos of his collection– it’s great to also see their “home”– I’m thinking “where your notebooks live” could be a topic for a whole series of posts! Here’s what Rowland has to say about his addiction: I’m on ‘serious Moleskine’ … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Rowland Jones

Gifts From a Reader: Rollbahn and Field Notes

I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers… well, maybe not really, but I do love it when exciting notebooks show up in my mailbox from people I’ve never met! A reader named June sent me two lovely items– first, a special edition Field Notes: This was the perfect gift, because as I’ve written here … Continue reading Gifts From a Reader: Rollbahn and Field Notes

Kompagnon Notebook with Pen Loop

For those who like pen loops, here’s a nice-looking German notebook sold by a British online retailer. If I’m not mistaken, this is the same brand as one of the notebooks I bought in Istanbul (see yesterday’s post), which I really liked other than finding the paper a little less smooth than I usually prefer. … Continue reading Kompagnon Notebook with Pen Loop

Notebooks Bought in Istanbul

I previously posted some snapshots of notebook sightings during my travels around Istanbul, but now let’s get into the details of the 5 notebooks I actually purchased there. Below is the first notebook I purchased, the Elastic Notebook/ Bloknot by Le Color. From doing a little online searching, this seems to be a Turkish brand, … Continue reading Notebooks Bought in Istanbul

Review: Mead Journal from WalMart

I picked up this Mead notebook after a tip from a reader, who had noticed that they were available only at Wal-Mart. Though Mead is obviously a major brand that is available everywhere, it would appear that Wal-Mart asked them to come up with an inexpensive Moleskine-ish notebook that they could offer as an exclusive. … Continue reading Review: Mead Journal from WalMart