Category Archives: Brands

Book Review: Writers and Their Notebooks

Don’t you love the cover of this book? How could that not make a notebook fan want to read it! It certainly sucked me in, and the publisher was kind enough to send me a review copy. (Which actually has a slightly different cover, with a much cooler old-school fountain pen instead of the purple … Continue reading Book Review: Writers and Their Notebooks

The Expensive Smythson Notebook

Yet another attractive notebook posted at A Continuous Lean. This one caused quite a firestorm in the comments, when someone questioned the ethics of paying $109 for a notebook while children are starving in Burkina Faso. (My take on it: on some level, no, spending $109 on a notebook is not justifiable in our world, … Continue reading The Expensive Smythson Notebook

Notebook Addict of the Week: Tracy

This week’s addict has provided lots of info about her collection: The Stack: I took a picture of each of the journals, included purchasing information (if any), and a little about each. Starting from the bottom: Sheet Music Journal Duchessa Music Notes I bought this journal from Barnes and Noble. It’s my my current journal … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Tracy

Why Ming Stopped Using a Moleskine

I bookmarked these posts ages ago: Why I stopped using a moleskine (part 1) and (part 2). I’m always fascinated by the different ways the Moleskine brand has imprinted itself on people, and the passion it can inspire. And as with all great passions, when the love affair ends, equally strong feelings are experienced. Ming … Continue reading Why Ming Stopped Using a Moleskine

Review & Giveaway: Michael Roger Notebooks

I’d noticed Michael Roger’s Decomposition books in several stationery stores– they’re a clever twist on the traditional composition book, but made with recycled paper. I hadn’t realized at first that the company also makes some other very cute notebooks in the 3.5 x 5.5″ size that always sets my heart a-flutter. When I spotted their … Continue reading Review & Giveaway: Michael Roger Notebooks

Piccadilly Pricing.. and Problems?

I’ve been thinking about Piccadilly notebooks lately, as things have been changing in the retail landscape for them. Piccadilly has mainly sold their notebooks (by which I mean their Moleskine-like “Essential Notebooks”) exclusively in Borders stores. They are stocked in the bargain section rather than with the rest of the stationery products. As far as … Continue reading Piccadilly Pricing.. and Problems?

Notebook Addict of the Week: Cassie

I love it when I get emails that begin like this: “My name is Cassie, and I’m a notebook addict. I’m sending you some pictures of my collection.” Here’s what Cassie has to say: I love, love, love notebooks. I’ve been scribbling ever since I could hold a pen, and keeping a journal seriously since … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Cassie

Review & Giveaway: Custom Notebooks from

The nice folks at offered to send me some samples, and how could I resist? They do a wide variety of customized notebooks for various clients, but you can’t buy them in stores. Here’s a few of the recent projects they’re most proud of: The first one was made for the Art Directors Club … Continue reading Review & Giveaway: Custom Notebooks from

Carnival of Pen, Pencil & Paper #18

Here we are with another Carnival of Pen, Pencil & Paper. It’s an interesting selection this month– I think the notebook people need to step it up a bit as far more of our submissions tend to be about pens! But there’s a great variety of pen articles that made for interesting reading, so I’m … Continue reading Carnival of Pen, Pencil & Paper #18