Category Archives: Brands

Review: O’Bon Notebooks (and Pencils)

I was happy to receive this lovely batch of samples from the good people at O’Bon. They make colorful and eco-friendly pencils and paper products. The large feather-pattern notebook on the bottom is a looseleaf binder. Then there are two wire-O notebooks, and 4 packs of pencils. Let’s take a closer look at the notebooks: … Continue reading Review: O’Bon Notebooks (and Pencils)

Moleskine Monday: A Chinese Moleskine Fan

I stumbled on this “what’s in your bag” image featuring an interesting collection of Moleskines and other notebooks: Via Anatomy of a Chinese Moleskine Consumer at Virtual China. One of the people whose stuff is shown above maintains a blog called, with some cool images (plus a lot of Chinese text I can’t read):

Sneak Peak at One of Moleskine’s New Non-Notebook Items!!

I’m sure you’ve read about Moleskine’s foray into new product lines such as backpacks, reading glasses and other non-notebook items. They’ve been a little vague about the full extent of their expansion, but through some behind-the-scenes contacts, I managed to get one of the first samples for review: Moleskine underwear, aka “Moleskivvies!” From the catalog: … Continue reading Sneak Peak at One of Moleskine’s New Non-Notebook Items!!

Red Horseshoe Paper

Keep an eye out for these funky notebooks in your favorite gift or stationery shop! I spotted some at Cog & Pearl in Brooklyn a while back… They’re very cute, smaller than the usual cahier-type notebook. See more at Red Horseshoe Paper, notebooks, journals, labels, stationery, diaries, notepads, tattoos, palmistry and more.

Moleskine Monday: Goodbye

In Goodbye Moleskine Journal, Tim talks about his reasons for switching from paper to digital journaling, which include ease of searching, being able to attach photos snapped on an iPhone, and not having to worry about running out of pages at inopportune moments. All valid reasons, though he does wonder if he’ll have some regrets: … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Goodbye

Niche: A Look at Moleskine’s Marketing

Here’s a new business book that uses Moleskine as a case study: Niche: Why the Market No Longer Favours the Mainstream, by James Harkin. From the New York Times website: [“Niche” is] a business book about how focusing on a smaller audience and gathering a greater percentage of its attention can be a stronger long-term … Continue reading Niche: A Look at Moleskine’s Marketing

Moleskine Monday: Loops!’s Visual Diary

I love the visual journals some people keep in Moleskine diaries. This is a fantastic example, found at Doodlers Anonymous: Loops! is a mommy living in Brussels and she fills her sketchbooks like a diary in living color. You’ll see drawn pages of her family’s travels, her kid’s being sick and the generally overwhelming and … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Loops!’s Visual Diary

Reader Week Notebook Addict of the Week: Nathan

This week’s addict sent me a link to his blog post “Serious Notebook Addict,” where he displays these and other photos: Yep, Nathan’s got a problem! Here’s what’s in his current collection: 3 Large Moleskine Cahiers (although these are being sold in a couple of days) 7 Composition Notebooks 3 Medium Moleskine Black Cahiers 1 … Continue reading Reader Week Notebook Addict of the Week: Nathan