Category Archives: Brands

Alwych Notebooks $6.99 at Amazon

Anyone who read Black Cover’s glowing review of the Alwych book surely wanted one–but they were only available by ordering from the UK, which was daunting. But now they’re available at Amazon for only $6.99 plus shipping for the pocket size version– WAY cheaper than ordering from the UK. Other sizes are available too– see … Continue reading Alwych Notebooks $6.99 at Amazon

Review: Rhodia Webnotebook

All the pen and paper blogs seem to have been buzzing for months about the Rhodia Webnotebook. Fountain pen users in particular were eager to have a Moleskine alternative containing their beloved Clairefontaine paper. When these first hit the market, you could only get a version with 80g paper. Now, finally, the long-awaited 90g paper … Continue reading Review: Rhodia Webnotebook

Moleskine Monday: Kathrin Jebsen-Marwedel on Flickr

So often, I’ll see a really cool image pop up in the Moleskine Flickr pool, and it will turn out to be by Kathrin Jebsen-Marwedel. See her photostream here. She fills each page of a daily Moleskine planner with the most wonderful sketches, and the result is an extraordinary visual journal.

A Retired Colonel Makes Great Notebooks

An interesting story I stumbled across: Retired colonel sees a rich future in hardbound print: The Book Factory produces custom books, lab notebooks, log books, journals. DAYTON — Don’t tell Andrew Gilmore that print and high-tech can’t be married. As president of the Book Factory, Gilmore presided over the wedding ceremony. Gilmore, 54, is a … Continue reading A Retired Colonel Makes Great Notebooks