Category Archives: Brands

Moleskine Monday: Pressed Flowers & Leaves from Mt. Hood

Moleskinerie linked to these beautiful images and I liked them so much I had to share it too: Mt. Hood Moleskine Journal. I love the look of the pages with the light wash of color and pressed-in plants. I haven’t tried to save plants in a notebook like this since I was a kid and … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Pressed Flowers & Leaves from Mt. Hood

Notebook Addict of the Week: Snarky’s Machine

This week’s addict blogs about office supplies at Does This Pen Write?, and based on the photos below, she’s been testing her pens in quite a few notebooks, especially Rhodias. She’s also fond of basic black sketchbooks, Clairefontaine, Ecosystem and others. You can read more about her various notebooks in these posts on her blog.

Moleskine Monday: Old and New

Here’s someone who has just finished one Moleskine sketchbook and is about to start another: I love what she wrote about using her notebooks: I carry my moleskine almost everywhere I go — it’s my calandar, it’s my reference book, it’s my crossword-puzzle-holder, it’s my playground,it’s my portfolio, it’s my storybook, it’s my notebook, it’s … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Old and New

Notebook Addict of the Week: Style of Mine

This week, we have a Kiwi Notebook Addict, a “petite, geeky journalist-in-training living in New Zealand.” Here’s her stash: I really like those wire-bound ones with the photo collages on the covers. The leather journal is also quite beautifully made, there are more closeups of it in the original post. I don’t see any brands … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Style of Mine

Moleskine Monday: Three in One

Here’s a fun Moleskine hack I found on Flickr, taking the pages out of a planner and using the cover to hold 3 cahiers. I’ve been wanting to try something similar myself, but with the cahiers somehow bound to the cover rather than remaining loose when the elastic is opened. Haven’t quite figured out how … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Three in One

Notebook Addict of the Week: The Archer

It’s long overdue that I call attention to this week’s addict, who blogs at Rants of the Archer. Here’s part of her notebook collection: There are 57 notebooks in that photo. But wait, there’s more! Another 55 notebooks are shown below: She mentions that some of the notebooks are being used, but I also spy … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: The Archer

Review: Ecosystem Notebook

A while back, I wrote a post mentioning Ecosystem notebooks. Someone at Ecosystem actually noticed, and even though I more or less trashed their whole brand identity, they were kind enough to send me a sample so I could actually review the quality of the product. (Now that’s good marketing.) So, let’s take a look… … Continue reading Review: Ecosystem Notebook

Notebook Addict of the Week: Elissa Altman

This week’s notebook addict is food writer Elissa Altman, who calls herself a “journal junkie” and shares these images at her blog Poor Man’s Feast: Here’s some of her thoughts about her addiction: I don’t know when it happened, exactly, or why, but for as long as I can remember, I’ve been fanatical about notebooks. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Elissa Altman

Moleskine Monday: A Fashion Accessory!

Here’s a young man whose red Moleskine is being seen as a key part of his personal style, according to this fashion column from the newsletter of Salt Lake City Community College: If I had to pick my favorite part of Braxton’s get-up, I would have to say his fire-engine-red Moleskine pocket notebook ( gets … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: A Fashion Accessory!