Moleskine Monday: RAM’s Sketches
Love these Moleskine pages from a blog called Really Accessible Memory, or RAM for short.
Love these Moleskine pages from a blog called Really Accessible Memory, or RAM for short.
“She Writes” is an online community for women writers, with over 9,000 active members from all fifty states and more than thirty countries. As you can imagine, these ladies love their notebooks! Deborah Siegel asked “What’s in Your Notebook” and got these amongst her responses: Response by Tania Prputniewicz Notebooks I Have Known by Kelly … Continue reading Notebook Addict(s) of the Week: She Writes
I loved this post I stumbled across, in which the writer ponders the different notebooks she’s been using for the “morning pages” exercise recommended in The Artist’s Way: This morning, as I began writing I started thinking about my good old Black ‘n Red. I thought, maybe I should go back and start writing in … Continue reading Feeling Guilty About Notebooks
The readers of this blog continue to challenge my notebook wisdom, proving again that I’m more of an enthusiast than an expert. But maybe others will have suggestions, so I share these with all of you: From Bobby: I’m trying to find a notebook that is “normal” sized ~8.5×11 and is cream/light green colored like … Continue reading Questions from Readers
This week’s addict says: I am a notebook junkie. I love notebooks and sketchbooks. This is a small selection of what I own — it doesn’t include work notebooks, notebooks in other places in the house, or notebooks on the other shelf. Or really old notebooks. Well, I think she should take some pictures of … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Digital Garden Gnome
This week’s Notebook Addict is writer Martin Wilson, author of What They Always Tell Us. Below are a few that he’s using right now: These include Moleskine, Clairefontaine, and SemiKolon, as well as a new one to me, the “Pearl Pinstripe.” (I guess he must mean these Carolina Pad Pearl Stripe notebooks? He does say … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Martin Wilson
This website is a notebook-lover’s dream. Check out all the beautiful images at Carnets | The Swedish Parrot. You can also see more at his Flickr stream. Here’s just a taste:
I spotted this in Manhattan: Recognize that planner? Looks like a Moleskine to me!
This week’s Addict emailed me this photo of her stash– I love the variety, from simple spiral notebooks and composition books to large journals and looseleaf binders. (It’s interesting how some notebook addicts have a lot of repetition of the same notebooks, and others use many different kinds…) Here’s what Missy had to say: I … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Missy
As I’ve often mentioned here, I’m a fan of Piccadilly’s little black notebooks. I’ve probably bought 8-10 of them by now and I have used 4 of the small ones as my daily notebook. I haven’t paid as much attention to the rest of their product line, but when I saw the small Primo Journal … Continue reading Review: Piccadilly Primo