Category Archives: Moleskine

Is Moleskine Discontinuing the Pocket Sketchbook???

I was looking through Moleskine’s Fall 2019 catalog and noticed something I found quite shocking: it seems that Moleskine is discontinuing the pocket sketchbook. “While stocks last“?? Meaning there won’t be any more stock of the classic black pocket size Moleskine Sketchbook? (Or any other color in pocket size.) They have a bazillion products and … Continue reading Is Moleskine Discontinuing the Pocket Sketchbook???

Dasha Egudkina’s Sketchbooks

Isn’t this flower stunning? I love sketchbooks that surprise you with big spreads of saturated color! The painting is by artist Dasha Egudkina, who says: I carry about three sketchbooks with me at all times. For the rare occasion I am not, I have a pocket sized Moleskine. Besides a few exceptions, often made for … Continue reading Dasha Egudkina’s Sketchbooks

Vacation Notebooks and Art Supplies

I’m enjoying a week at the beach, and thought I’d share what notebooks and pens and art supplies I brought with me. Since I traveled by car, I didn’t have to worry about packing light! First, here’s what is in my bag every day, which of course I didn’t change for my vacation: There is … Continue reading Vacation Notebooks and Art Supplies

Notebook Addict of the Week: Katerina

This week’s addict is Katerina Sakkas, an artist and writer from Sydney, Australia. She’s been using Daler Rowney sketchbooks for 20 years, filling them with drawings and ideas: Simple and sturdy with their canvas-textured hard covers and heavy-weight, off-white paper, Daler Rowney’s Ebony journals have served me faithfully for 20 years, as a place to … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Katerina

Moleskine Monday: Paivi Eerola’s Art Journal

I just loved this spread from the Moleskine sketchbook of Finnish artist Paivi Eerola, posted on her website Peony and Parakeet: Here’s some of her thoughts on art journaling: For me, art journals are little more than just sketchbooks. I like to call them “idea books” as I often process my ideas further when I … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Paivi Eerola’s Art Journal

Moleskine Monday: Wings of Judas Art Journal

I love coming across other people’s art journals, especially presented in spreads of thumbnail pages: This is from Wings of Judas, the website of Judas Bardon. You can click to zoom in on each page via this link. The home page seems to be down so there isn’t a lot of other info about the … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Wings of Judas Art Journal

Erik Gauger’s Travel Journals

If you love looking at other people’s travel journals, check out Notes from the Road. Erik Gauger has traveled to some amazing places, and filled lots of travel journals with sketches and notes. Instead of carrying around dozens of heavy guidebooks when I travel, I condense my useful information into a small size Moleskine travel … Continue reading Erik Gauger’s Travel Journals

Are You “SABLE” on Notebooks?

I’d never heard this term before until reading a post at The London Parchment: I am SABLE (Stash Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy) on almost all stationery products, particularly with Field Notes. What a handy abbreviation! I myself am probably not SABLE on notebooks, though I may need to reassess since I’ve lost track of where … Continue reading Are You “SABLE” on Notebooks?

Notebook Addict of the Week: Happy Phantom

Happy Phantom is a notebook addict with a happy dilemma: which of these beauties to use next? I spy Moleskine, Leuchtturm, Paperblanks, maybe Midori, and some other brands I don’t recognize. See more of Happy Phantom’s notebooks (and fountain pens!) on Instagram.