Category Archives: Moleskine

Notebook Addict of the Week: Hagay

This week’s addict is a comics artist and ebook designer from Israel who has amassed quite a collection of sketchbooks and notebooks! Below are his photos and commentary: 01 Clairefontaine Zap Books – my go to sketchbooks since 2006, these are 320 page recycled paper books and they’re perfect for my pencil sketches. 02-03 Some … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Hagay

Notebook Addict of the Week: Datasianho

This week’s addict posted some pictures of their notebook stash on Reddit. It’s a large and tidily stored collection! This person seems to have several favorite types and sizes of notebooks of which they’ve bought multiples. Many are from Asian brands such as Muji, Kokuyo, Maruman, Nanami Paper and Apica, but other brands like Leuchtturm, … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Datasianho

A Hockey Player’s Notebook

From the Minnesota Star Tribune, a profile of a college hockey player who is also a dedicated journaler: Before and after every practice, every game, the Gophers goaltender hunches over a Moleskine not much bigger than his palm and writes. Jack LaFontaine has five journals in all, each to collect different thoughts — practice focuses, … Continue reading A Hockey Player’s Notebook

Shoebox Tour: Filofax and Other Looseleaf Notebooks

Here’s another shoebox full of notebooks from my collection. This one has most of my Filofaxes and other refillable looseleaf notebooks. First, here’s the Filofaxes. I used 4 of these on a regular basis during the mid to late 1990s. (See Pocket Filofax, Early 1990s for details on the burgundy one.) These older ones all … Continue reading Shoebox Tour: Filofax and Other Looseleaf Notebooks

Dan Currie’s Comedy Notebook

Dan Currie is a stand-up comedian based in Lansing, MI. One of his favorite things is his notebook: My favorite thing is a notebook I acquired back in 2014. Over a four-year span, I’ve had it at hundreds of shows. My friend and fellow comedian Carl Johnson booked me and a group of other comics … Continue reading Dan Currie’s Comedy Notebook

Neil Gaiman on Notebooks and Fountain Pens

During an interview with Tim Ferriss, Neil Gaiman talks about his love for Leuchtturm notebooks and the Pilot Falcon fountain pen, among other writing tools: Tim Ferriss: You mentioned distraction earlier and your dangerously adorable son, which I certainly agree with. I had read somewhere, actually, before I get to that, this might seem like a … Continue reading Neil Gaiman on Notebooks and Fountain Pens

Nolty Daily Book and Other 2020 Diaries

My Nolty addiction went a little overboard this year. I was so intrigued by some of the 2020 formats that I ended up buying 4 diaries, including the new Nolty Daily Book. I’m not totally sure how I’m going to use all of them! First, the Nolty Efficiency Notebook Gold. This is my second year … Continue reading Nolty Daily Book and Other 2020 Diaries

Notebook Addict of the Week: Gary Varner

What notebooks would you pack for a year-long road trip? Gary is back home now, I think, but he spent a year traveling around the USA in a camper van and the photos below show the notebooks he brought with him: What does a stationery fanatic and writer do to haul the necessary tools and … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Gary Varner

How Reporters Take Notes

An interesting item from the New York Times: (Some of) the Many Ways Times Journalists Take Notes If news reports make up the first draft of history, a reporter’s notebook is where that draft begins. Whether it’s an iconic quote scribbled in a notepad or a detailed scene describing a moment in time, the notes that … Continue reading How Reporters Take Notes

Notebook Hack (Attempt): Moleskine + Stillman & Birn

It’s been a while since I attempted any sort of notebook hack or alteration (except for removing the pen loop from a Taotree notebook), but I recently decided to do a little experiment. I’ve always like the Moleskine City notebooks because they have a nice thickness, with more pages than the normal pocket size notebooks. … Continue reading Notebook Hack (Attempt): Moleskine + Stillman & Birn